Path: Link/RF
% Computes the link attenuation due to gas. Assumes the signal passes through a fixed slice of atmosphere. Type LossAtmosphericGas for a demo. To make the output a gain change to sign of the output to negative. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: a = LossAtmosphericGas( f, E ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ f (1,m) Frequency (GHz) E (1,n) Elevation angle (deg) ------- Outputs ------- a (n,m) Loss (dB) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: Maral, G. and M. Bousquet. (1998.) Satellite Communications Systems, Third Edition. John Wiley. p. 57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle
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