Link Module |
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AntennaPoint | Compute the boresight matrix or attitude quaternion. |
GenerateSwath | Generate dynamical plots of antenna patterns. |
GroundStationVisibility | Determine ground station visibility for spacecraft position(s). |
ISLFOV | Determines if a satellite is visible to an ISL. |
SatelliteVisibility | Determines the visibility between the points in r2 and r1. |
OpticalLinkDemo | Create an optical link budget for a Pluto mission. |
LinkAnalysis | Link analysis for an earth orbiting spacecraft. |
LinkAnalysisMars | Link analysis for a Mars mission |
LinkExamples | Examples of link analysis from the reference |
RadarAnalysis | Design a radar |
VoyagerCommLink | Voyager link analysis |
VoyagerLinkBudget | Voyager spacecraft link budget |
LADAREquation | Solves one form of the laser radar equation (ladar). |
LADARTransmitPower | Computes required Ladar transmit power. |
LinkAnalysisTool | Performs a link analysis for a satellite. |
LinkBudget | Performs a link budget for a satellite. |
BEP | Computes the bit error probability given C/N and the bit rate. |
CNRComp | Compute the carrier to noise ratio. |
ConstellationGroundContact | Compute the number of contacts for a constellation with ground users. |
ConstellationMaxDistance | Compute maximum distances between satellites in a constellation. |
DBPower | Power conversion to decibels. dB = 20 log10(s). |
DBSignal | Signal conversion to decibels. dB = 10 log10(s). |
DBSignalToPower | Convert decibels to power. |
DBWToNW | Convert dBW (decibels-Watts) to nanowatts. |
DBWToPW | Convert dBW to picowatts. |
DataRate | Computes communications sytems data rates |
DataRateGain | Computes communications sytems data rates |
DataRateOrbit | Computes data rate over an orbit. |
DopplerBlind | Finds Doppler blind speeds. |
DopplerShift | Doppler shift |
FPD | Function called by fzero to compute the carrier to noise ratio. |
FPFA | Right hand side for probability of false alarm computation. |
Frequency | Outputs the frequencies for specified bands of electromagnetic radiation. |
FrequencyToWavelength | Converts frequency to wavelength. |
ModulationSpectralEfficiency | Spectral efficiency of different modulation schemes |
MultiBEPPlot | Computes and plots multiple bit error rates on the same plot. |
PeriodToSemimajorAxis | Computes semi-major axis from orbital period |
ProbDetection | Probability of detection for a diffuse target. |
Shannon | The Shannon information theorem relating S/N and C/B. |
TToPower | Convert temperature to power. |
Wavelength | Outputs the wavelengths for bands of electromagnetic radiation. |
WavelengthToFrequency | Converts wavelength to frequency. |
YBComp | yB computation used as part of the probability of detection algorithm. |
OpticalBackgroundNoise | Computes optical background noise for various sources. |
OpticalLinkBudget | Create an optical link budget. |
OpticalReceiverNoiseDensity | Compute the receiver noise density. |
SNR | Compute the signal to noise ratio. |
AntennaGain | Antenna gain. |
Beamwidth3dB | Antenna 3 dB angle. |
Gain3dB | Antenna 3 dB gain. |
GainPattern | Compute an antenna gain pattern as a function of the incidence angle. |
LossAtmosphericGas | Computes the link attenuation due to gas. |
LossDepointing | Computes the depointing loss |
LossFreeSpace | Computes the free space loss. |
LossPolarization | Computes the polarization loss. |
LossPrecipitation | Computes the link attenuation due to precipation. |
NoisePower | Computes the noise power required from bandwidth and noise temperature. |
PowerReceived | Computes the power received by an antenna. |
TAntennaGround | Compute the temperature of an antenna on the ground. |
TAttenuator | Compute the temperature of an attenuator. |
TMoon | Noise temperature of the Moon. Constant at 250 deg-K. |
TNoiseCascade | Compute the noise of a cascade series. |
TPlanet | Noise temperature of a planet. |
TReceiver | Compute the noise temperature of a receiver attached to an antenna. |
TSky | Brightness temperature of the sky. |
TSun | Noise temperature of the sun. |
Clutter | Compute clutter for land or sea. |
ClutterArea | Compute clutter area. |
DBWToPower | Convert from dBW to power. |
DBmToPower | Convert from dBm to power. |
DBsmToSM | Convert from dBsm to m^2 |
NElementsPhasedArray | Compute the number of elements needed to prevent grating lobes. |
PhasedArray | Generate a phased array |
PowerToDBW | Convert from power to dB watts. |
PowerToDBm | Convert from power to dB milliwatts |
RFSystemNoise | Computes system noise. |
RadarAccuracy | Compute radar accuracy. |
RadarCrosssection | Computes radar crossections. |
RadarEquation | Solves the radar equation. Can compute range or power. This function assumes |
RadarEquationPulse | Solves the radar equation. Can compute range or power. This function assumes |
RadarEquationSN | Computes signal to noise ratios from the radar equation. |
RadarPulseTrain | Generates a pulse train. |
RadarSN | Computes the radar signal to noise ratio for a pulsed monostatic radar. |
RadarThermalNoise | Computes thermal noise for radar or any communications system. |
RadarWindows | Parameters for different radar windows. |
SMToDBsm | Convert m^2 to dBsm |
TrackingAccuracy | Computes radar tracking accuracy. |
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