
Path: Link/Radar

% Computes the radar signal to noise ratio for a pulsed monostatic radar.
   Losses are positive dB. A loss of 10 would be 10 dB.
   If aTarg is not [] it will compute sigma. Otherwise sigma will be
   used. sN, pR and PN will be a vectors if d.r is a vector. eRP is a

   Type RadarSN for a demo of an L band radar from the reference.

   [sN, eRP, pR, pN] = RadarSN( d )

   d	(1,1) Data structure
             .freq   (1,1) Frequency (GHz)
             .aAnt   (1,1) Antenna area (m^2)
             .aTarg  (1,1) Target area  (m^2)
             .sigma  (1,1) Cross-section (m^2)
             .type   (1,:) 'coherent integration' or
                           'non-coherent integration'
             .n      (1,1) Number of pulses integrated
             .r      (1,:) Range (km)
             .eps    (1,1) Antenna efficiency
             .lossT  (1,1) Transmit loss (dB)
             .lossR  (1,1) Receiver loss (dB)
             .f      (1,1) Receiver noise factor (> 1)
             .tA     (1,1) Noise seen at the antenna input (deg-K)
             .pT     (1,1) Transmit power (W)

   sN 	(1,:) Signal to noise ratio  (dB)
   eRP (1,1) Effective radiated power (W) 
   pR  (1,:) Received power at the antenna (W)
   pN  (1,:) Noise power (W)

   Reference: Edde, B., "Radar Principles, Technology Applications,"
              Prentice-Hall, 1995, pp. 30-37.


Link: LinkUtilities/DBSignal
Link: LinkUtilities/DBSignalToPower
Link: LinkUtilities/FrequencyToWavelength
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/DispWithTitle
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle

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