Path: Link/Ladar
% Computes required Ladar transmit power. Run the build in demo by typing LADARTransmitPower. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [cNR, pR, pT] = LADARTransmitPower( d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d (1,1) Parameters .lambda (1,1) Wavelength .theta (1,1) Beam divergence .r (1,m) Range (m) .pD (1,n) Probability of detection .xC (1,1) Target cross section .a (1,1) Aperture area .etaQ (1,1) Quantum efficiency .etaM (1,1) Mixer efficiency .etaE (1,1) Electronics efficiency .etaT (1,1) Transmitter efficiency .etaR (1,1) Receiver efficiency .rho (1,1) Target reflectivity .n (1,1) Number of pulsewidths .tA (1,m) Transmission loss .thetaT (1,:) Beam divergence corresponding to tA .pFA (1,1) Probability of false alarm .k (1,1) Beam shape factor .x (1,m) Auxiliary array for x-axis of plot .xLabel (1,m) Corresponding label ------- Outputs ------- cNR (n,m) Carrier to noise ratio pR (n,m) Power received pT (n,m) Power transmitted --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Link: LinkUtilities/CNRComp Link: LinkUtilities/FPFA Link: LinkUtilities/YBComp Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/IsVersionAfter Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/StringToTokens Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle
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