
Path: Link/RF

% Noise temperature of the sun. 
   Uses the formula t = a f^(-0.75) where a is adjusted to agree with p. 354 
   of the reference and the noise maximums and minimus are limited according 
   to the plot on p. 253. The numbers generated by this routine are approximate 
   and even the reference is inconsistent with its numbers. Strictly speaking,
   the formula is only valid for K-band and a = 120000
   [dT, t] = TSun( f, thetaE, hasPolarizer )

   f             (1,:)  Frequency (GHz)
   thetaE        (1,1)  Aperture (deg)
   polarizer     (1,1)  1 if has polarizer
   dT            (1,:)  Change in ambient temperature (deg-K)
   t             (1,:)  Sun noise temperature (deg-K)
   References:	Maral, G. and M. Bousquet. (1998.) Satellite Communications
               Systems. Wiley. pp. 352-353.


Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle

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