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% ClassERFAmplifier design tool.
 Produces the inductor and capacitor values for the circuit. qL is the quality.
 infinite quality means that the circuit is tuned exactly to the frequency f.
 If r is entered, it will compute the power from r.

 Type ClassERFAmplifier for a demo.

   [d,s] = ClassERFAmplifier( f, p, vCE, v0, qL, sF, r )

   f     (1,1)	Frequency (kHz)
   p     (1,1)	Power (W)
   vCEV	(1,1) Collector to emitter voltage (V)
   v0    (1,1) Base voltage (V)
   qL    (1,1) Quality
   sF    (1,1) Safety factor
   r     (1,1) Load resistance (Ohm)

   d   (.)   Data structure output
             .c1 Capacitor 1 (F)
             .c2 Capacitor 2 (F)
             .l1 Inductor 1 (H)
             .l2 Inductor 2 (H)
             .r  Load (Ohms)
             .vCC Collector voltage
   s   {:,2} Latex array for latex documents

   Reference:  Nathan O. Sokal,"Class-E High-Efficiency RF/Microwave Power
               Amplifiers: Principles of Operation, Design Procedures, 
               and Experimental Verification."


Common: General/DisplayLatexTable

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