Electrical Module |
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ABC2SRF | Transformation from abc to the switching reference frame. |
ABToDQ | Convert between AB and DQ coordinates for 3 phase currents. |
AngleEncoder | Angle encoder model. Outputs is from 0 to b. |
Capacitor | Dynamical model for a capacitor. |
ClassERFAmplifier | ClassERFAmplifier design tool. |
ConformalCoilsInCylinder | Generate conformal coils in a cylinder |
DToA | Converts a digital word to a voltage. |
Diode | Dynamical model for a diode. |
ForceBetweenCoils | Calculate the forces between a set of coils |
HalbachMotorDesign | Design a dual rotor axial flux motor. |
Inductor | Dynamical model for an inductor model. |
LRLoopAntenna | Computes the inductance and resistance of a circular loop antenna |
LRRectangleAntenna | Computes the inductance and resistance of a printed rectangular loop |
MatchingCircuit | Designs an L-type matching circuit |
MutualInductanceCoaxialCoil | Mutual inductance between two filamentary coaxial coils |
MutualInductanceCoil | Mutual inductance between two coils |
NPhase | Generate an n phase signal. |
ParksTransformation | Parks transformation matrix from ABC to DQ coordinates for 3 phases. |
PerUnitNormalization | Per unit normalization. |
RectifierFullWave | Full wave rectifier. This uses 4 diodes. |
RectifierNPhase | N Phase rectifier. This uses 2*n diodes. |
RectifierThreePhase | A six switch rectifier. |
SRF2ABC | Transformation from abc to switching reference frame. |
Transformer | An ideal transformer. |
TransformerRHS | Dynamical model of a transformer in the dq frame. |
MatchingCircuitDemo | Matching network demo |
MatConDemo | Matrix converter demonstration |
MatConSSDemo | Simulate a matrix converter in steady state. |
ABToDQDemo | Transformation from the AB frame to DQ frame |
PMMachineDemo | Demonstrate the ABC machine model for a permanent magnet generator |
PMMachineSwitchedDemo | Demonstrate the ABC machine. |
BiotSavart | The Biot Savart law |
MC33Switching | 3-Phase to 3-Phase Matrix Converter Switching Functions. |
MCDynamics | Matrix converter dynamics |
AxialFluxCoil | Generates the phase coil datastructure. |
BHalbach | Computes the B field of a Halbach array. |
BHalbachAxialFluxMotor | Computes the B field of a Halbach array for a dual rotor motor. |
DCMotor | DC motor model. |
DFIGEquilibrium | Doubly fed induction generator model equilibrium voltages. |
DFIGRHS | Doubly fed induction generator model. |
DualRotorDesign | Design a dual rotor generator configuration. |
FlywheelStresses | Computes flywheel stresses. |
HalbachField | Compute the field of a Halbach Segment |
PMABCMachineRHS | Permanent magnet machine model in ABC coordinates. |
PMABCMachineSwitchedRHS | Permanent magnet machine model in ABC coordinates with 6 switches. |
PMBMachineRHS | Permanent magnet brushless machine in DQ coordinates. |
PitchServoRHS | Pitch servo model. |
ReluctanceMachineRHS | Right hand side for a 3 phase reluctance motor or generator. |
ShaftStresses | Computes shaft stresses. |
SynchronousSpeed | Motor synchronous speed (RPM) from frequency |
BandGap | Photodiode bandgap. |
BandGapToWavelength | Compute wavelength from band gap |
HgCdTe | Mercury Cadmium Telluride band gap |
HgCdTeWavelength | Mercury Cadmium Telluride wavelength to Cd fraction |
SolarCell | Solar cell voltage vs current. |
SolarCellEff | Solar cell monchromatic efficiency. |
WavelengthToBandGap | Compute band gap from wavelength. |
ACResistance | Find enhanced AC wire resistance due to skin effect |
DiameterAWG | Diameter from AWG gauge. |
ResistanceAWG | Resistance from AWG gauge. |
ResistivityAluminum | Compute the resistivity of cryogenic aluminum alloys. |
ResistivityCopper | Computes the resistivity of copper |
SkinDepth | Find electrical skin depth for an AC signal into a conductor |
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