Path: Electrical/Components
% Computes the inductance and resistance of a circular loop antenna Default: copper. Type LRLoopAntenna for a demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [l, r, rLoss, rRad] = LRRectangleAntenna( s1, s2, w, f, n ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ dAnt (1,1) Antenna diameter (meters) dWire (1,1) Wire diameter (meters) f (1,:) Frequency (Hz) n (1,1) Number of loops rho (1,1) Resistivity (Ohm*m, default Copper) ------- Outputs ------- l (1,1) Inductance (H) r (1,:) Total resistance (Ohm) rLoss (1,:) Resistance loss (Ohm) rRad (1,:) Radiation loss (Ohm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Plot2D Electrical: Wire/ACResistance
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