Path: Imaging/Optics
% Generate centroid distributions. You define the centroid shape using e.r, e.theta and e.h. You must call Centroids( 'initialize', e ) first and then p = Centroids( 'update', e, p, k ) on every update step. Type Centroids for a demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: Centroids( 'initialize', e ) m = Centroids( 'update', e, p, k ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ action (1,:) 'initialize' 'update' e (1,1) Data structure .m (1,1) Rows .n (1,1) Columns .pixel (1,1) Pixel dimension (micro-m) .fpn (1,1) Fixed pattern noise (e-) .rho (1,n) Centroid radial value (pixel) .theta (1,m) Angle about the centroid .h (1,n) Normalized height at radial position p (n,m) Pixel intensities k (1,1) Frame ------- Outputs ------- m (n,m) Pixel map --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Graphics/NewFig Imaging: Optics/FocalPlaneImage Math: Linear/DupVect
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