Imaging Module |
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CalibrationCube | Create a calibration cube for lens calibration. |
CameraCalibration | Calibrates a camera. |
CameraCalibrationModel | Computes points in the camera coordinates. |
ImageProcessing | Demonstrates image processing. |
MoonEdgeAndLandmarks | Demonstrates image processing. |
CCDDemo | Generate a noisy star image in a loop. |
DefocusingDemo | Parameter study for defocused Airy point spread function |
DoubleGaussLens | Create a double Gauss lens |
Bennu.jpg | Image of the Bennu asteroid |
Box.jpg | A metallic box |
CalibrationCube.jpg | Photograph of hardware calibration cube. |
CalibrationPattern.jpg | Computer generated calibration picture. |
Moon.jpg | Moon image taken from a telescope. |
MoonAndStars.jpg | Artificial moon and stars image. |
Mug.jpg | Image of a ceramic mug. |
SCImage.mat | Spacecraft bus against the Earth background |
BinaryImage | Generate a binary image. |
CannyEnhancer | Canny edge detector. |
CircleFit | Fit a circle to data. |
CornerDetector | Corner detector. |
EllipseImageFit | Fit an ellipse to point data. |
GaussianDerivative | Generate an image derivative using a Gaussian kernal. |
HysteresisThreshold | Hysteresis threshold. |
ImageDerivative | Generate an image derivative. |
NonMaxSuppression | Non max suppression. Thins the edges. |
AdaptiveThresholding | Applies and adaptive threshold to an image |
CannyEdgeDetector | Applies a mask to do Canny edge detection. |
ConvolveImage | Convolves an image with a mask. |
GaussianImageFilter | Apply a Gaussian filter and derivative to an image. |
GaussianKernal | Gaussian point spread function. |
ImageNoise | Generate noise for an image |
Imager | Display an image in figure given image data. |
IndexedImageToRGB | Converts an indexed image to RGB. |
LinearImageFilter | Apply a linear noise filter to an image. |
MedianImageFilter | Apply a median noise filter to an image. |
CookeTriplet.lens | Cooke triplet lens file |
DoubleGauss.lens | Double gauss lens file |
Harting.lens | Harting lens file |
LensDemo.lens | Lens demo file |
Simple.lens | Simple lens file |
AiryDefocused | Compute the Airy disk for defocused light. |
AiryDiskInPixels | Compute the pixel width of the Airy disk. |
AiryResolution | Draw the Airy pattern for a point light source. |
AngleOfView | Compute the angle of view. Full-angle, not half-angle. |
BlurParameter | Find the blur parameter. |
Centroids | Generate centroid distributions. |
CircleOfConfusion | Computes the circle of confusion for an optical system. |
ConeAreaAndDerivatives | Cone area and derivatives. |
CookeTriplet | Computes the output angle from a Cooke Triplet. |
DetectorModel | Detector model with photon and electron noise sources and A/D conversion. |
DrawLens | Draws lenses from a standard lens table. |
DrawMirror | Draws mirrors. |
EffFocalLength | Computes the effective focal length using thin lens approximation. |
ElectronsToIons | From electrons compute the number density of the ions. |
EllipseToS | Convert ellipse parameters to s. |
EnergyPhoton | Energy of a photon. |
FocalLengthFromAngleOfView | Compute the focal length from angle of view. |
FocalPlaneImage | Visualize a focal plane image using a mesh. |
FresnelNumber | Compute the Fresnel Number. |
ISO | Attentuation factor at an iso number |
ISOEquivalent | Ratio of sensitivity to ISO 100 |
LaserBeamRadius | Laser beam radius. |
LaserPower | Laser power. |
LensMakerFormula | Compute the focal lengths of lenses. |
LightGathering | Computes stellar magnitude visible to a telescope. |
LumenToWatt | Outputs lumens/watt. |
OpticalAngleError | Errors due to planet measurement related errors. |
OpticalMagnification | Computes optical magnification of a telescope. |
OpticalRadialDistortion | Computes the measured radius from the true radius |
ParabolaToS | Convert parabola parameters to s. |
PinholeCamera | Perform pinhole camera transformation on points. |
PixelFlux2D | Compute the integrated flux from a pixel in 2D. |
PixelSpread | Compute the pixel spread of a collimated light beam. |
RMSNoiseImager | Finds the RMS noise of an imager. |
RayTraceLens | Ray trace a lens assembly. |
RayTraceMirror | Ray trace for mirrors. |
RayTransferMatrix | Computes the ray transfer matrix for an optical system. |
RayTransferMatrixFromLensFile | Computes the ray transfer matrix from a lens file or table. |
ReadLensData | Draws lenses with spherical or flat surfaces. |
ReflectionLaw | Apply the vector form of the law of reflection. |
SnellsLaw | Apply the vector form of Snell's law of refraction. |
SnellsLawCurve | Apply Snell's law of refraction to a curve of the form |
StarCentroid | Finds the centroid given intensities on n pixels and their coordinates. |
StellarMagnitude | Stellar magnitude for a variety of sources. |
StrehlRatio | Compute the Strehl Ratio from defocus and Fresnel number. |
TargetInFocalPlane | Project a target into the focal plane. |
VM2Photons | Converts apparent visual magnitude to intensity in photons/s/m^2. |
VMToPhotons | Converts apparent visual magnitude to photons/s/micron. |
ZodiacalLight | Computes zodiacal light due to dust. |
FitPSFToData | Refine the pixel fit numerically using fminsearch. |
ImagerPSF | Finds the output of each imager pixel through numerical integration of PSF. |
RHSAiryDefocusedPSF | Point Spread Function for the Airy defocused function. |
RHSAiryPSF | Point Spread Function for an Airy function. |
RHSGaussianPSF | Point Spread Function for multiple Gaussian PSF |
RHSMoffatPSF | Point Spread Function for a Moffat function |
CreateLensTable | Creates a lens table from l. |
GradientOperator | Image gradient operators. |
PointSpreadFunction2DGaussian | Compute the point spread function for a 2D gaussian. |
PoissonNoise | Smear the pixels with poisson noise. |
QESilicon | Quantum efficiency of silicon |
ReadImage | Read an image. |
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