Imaging Module

Directory List

Calibration Demos/ImageMatching Demos/Imager
Demos/Lenses ImageData ImageMatching
ImageProcessing Lenses Optics
PSFUtils Utilities


Create a calibration cube for lens calibration.
Calibrates a camera.
Computes points in the camera coordinates.

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Demonstrates image processing.
Demonstrates image processing.

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Generate a noisy star image in a loop.

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Parameter study for defocused Airy point spread function
Create a double Gauss lens

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Bennu.jpgImage of the Bennu asteroid
Box.jpgA metallic box
CalibrationCube.jpgPhotograph of hardware calibration cube.
CalibrationPattern.jpgComputer generated calibration picture.
Moon.jpgMoon image taken from a telescope.
MoonAndStars.jpgArtificial moon and stars image.
Mug.jpgImage of a ceramic mug.
SCImage.matSpacecraft bus against the Earth background

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Generate a binary image.
Canny edge detector.
Fit a circle to data.
Corner detector.
Fit an ellipse to point data.
Generate an image derivative using a Gaussian kernal.
Hysteresis threshold.
Generate an image derivative.
Non max suppression. Thins the edges.

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Applies and adaptive threshold to an image
Applies a mask to do Canny edge detection.
Convolves an image with a mask.
Apply a Gaussian filter and derivative to an image.
Gaussian point spread function.
Generate noise for an image
Display an image in figure given image data.
Converts an indexed image to RGB.
Apply a linear noise filter to an image.
Apply a median noise filter to an image.

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CookeTriplet.lensCooke triplet lens file
DoubleGauss.lensDouble gauss lens file
Harting.lensHarting lens file
LensDemo.lensLens demo file
Simple.lensSimple lens file

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Compute the Airy disk for defocused light.
Compute the pixel width of the Airy disk.
Draw the Airy pattern for a point light source.
Compute the angle of view. Full-angle, not half-angle.
Find the blur parameter.
Generate centroid distributions.
Computes the circle of confusion for an optical system.
Cone area and derivatives.
Computes the output angle from a Cooke Triplet.
Detector model with photon and electron noise sources and A/D conversion.
Draws lenses from a standard lens table.
Draws mirrors.
Computes the effective focal length using thin lens approximation.
From electrons compute the number density of the ions.
Convert ellipse parameters to s.
Energy of a photon.
Compute the focal length from angle of view.
Visualize a focal plane image using a mesh.
Compute the Fresnel Number.
Attentuation factor at an iso number
Ratio of sensitivity to ISO 100
Laser beam radius.
Laser power.
Compute the focal lengths of lenses.
Computes stellar magnitude visible to a telescope.
Outputs lumens/watt.
Errors due to planet measurement related errors.
Computes optical magnification of a telescope.
Computes the measured radius from the true radius
Convert parabola parameters to s.
Perform pinhole camera transformation on points.
Compute the integrated flux from a pixel in 2D.
Compute the pixel spread of a collimated light beam.
Finds the RMS noise of an imager.
Ray trace a lens assembly.
Ray trace for mirrors.
Computes the ray transfer matrix for an optical system.
Computes the ray transfer matrix from a lens file or table.
Draws lenses with spherical or flat surfaces.
Apply the vector form of the law of reflection.
Apply the vector form of Snell's law of refraction.
Apply Snell's law of refraction to a curve of the form
Finds the centroid given intensities on n pixels and their coordinates.
Stellar magnitude for a variety of sources.
Compute the Strehl Ratio from defocus and Fresnel number.
Project a target into the focal plane.
Converts apparent visual magnitude to intensity in photons/s/m^2.
Converts apparent visual magnitude to photons/s/micron.
Computes zodiacal light due to dust.

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Refine the pixel fit numerically using fminsearch.
Finds the output of each imager pixel through numerical integration of PSF.
Point Spread Function for the Airy defocused function.
Point Spread Function for an Airy function.
Point Spread Function for multiple Gaussian PSF
Point Spread Function for a Moffat function

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Creates a lens table from l.
Image gradient operators.
Compute the point spread function for a 2D gaussian.
Smear the pixels with poisson noise.
Quantum efficiency of silicon
Read an image.

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