Path: Interplanetary/Envionment
% Computes Jupiter's magnetic field based on a tilted dipole model. The output is in Jupiter centric inertial coordinates. Type BDipoleJupiter for an example in a 200,000 km orbit in the Jupiter equatorial plane. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: b = BDipoleJupiter( r, jD ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ r (3,:) Position vector in the ECI frame jD (1,:) Julian days ------- Outputs ------- b (3,:) Magnetic field (T) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: K. Khurana, M. Kivelson, V. Vasyliunas, N. Krupp, J. Woch, b. Mauk, W. Kurth, "The Configuration of Jupiter's Magnetosphere". --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orbit: OrbitMechanics/RVOrbGen SC: Ephem/ECIToPlanet Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Time/Date2JD Math: Linear/Mag
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