Interplanetary Module

Directory List

AlphaCentauri AsteroidProspector Data
Demos/AlphaCentauri Demos/AsteroidProspector Demos/Departure
Demos/Enceladus Demos/Ephemeris Demos/Insertion
Demos/InterplanetaryOrbit Demos/Landers Demos/LowEnergyManeuver
Demos/Mars Demos/MissionAnalysis Demos/OrbitOptimization
Demos/PlanarOptimization Demos/Pluto Demos/ProMissions
Demos/SGLens Demos/ThreeBody Envionment
Ephemeris InterplanetaryOrbit Landers
LowEnergyManeuver LowEnergyManeuverData Mechanics
Optimization OrbitCoord OrbitInsertion
RHSFunctions ThreeBody VehicleDesign


Model of the Alpha-Centauri system.
Simple dynamical model for a flight to Alpha-Centauri.

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Apply Gauss Variation Equations to determine in-plane thrust direction.
Compute delta-v assuming full thrust applied during all transfer times.
Right-hand side for low thrust GVE simulation.
Stopping event function for low thrust GVE sim using ode solver.
Simulation of low thrust maneuver to rendezvous with target orbit.
Compute the time to transfer each element from initial to target value.

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EarthMoonTraj.matSaved Earth/Moon trajectory.
NewHorizonsFlyby.txtNew Horizons trajectory data froomo Pluto flyby
TitanDensityData.matData for Titan atmosphere density.
lnxp1600p2200.405JPL ephemerides good through 2200

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Analysis of approach orbits to Alpha Centauri binary system
Simulate a mission to Alpha-Centauri.
Draw the Earth-relative geometry of the Alpha-Centauri binary star system
Alpha-Centauri mission
Explore parameter space for straight-line interstellar mission
Create an optical link budget for an Alpha-Centauri mission.
Design the starship

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Asteroid Prospector Mars mission planning.
Asteroid Prospector Simulation
Analyze the thruster layout for the Asteroid Prospector spacecraft
Simulate proximity operations around an asteroid.
Build the CAD model of the Asteroid Prospector spacecraft.
Design a mission to visit an asteroid with a small satellite

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Compute the torque due to the fusion engine magnetic dipole in Earth orbit

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Fusion Drive Enceladus Mission using an Orion capsule.
Enceladus mission

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Animate the phasing of Earth and Mars over time.
Europa atmospheric density and Jupiter magnetic field near Europa.
Demonstrate JPL ephemeris for the solar system.

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Simulate an optimal approach and orbit insertion at Mars (fmincon)
Simulate an optimal approach and orbit insertion at Mercury (fmincon)
Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law
Simulate an optimal approach and orbit insertion at Pluto (fmincon)
Analyze hyperbolic flyby of Pluto

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Apophis 3D Lambert transfer delta-V analysis
Apophis 3D optimal trajectory with a linear regulator
Compute a transfer from earth orbit to the asteroid Apophis.
Simulate a departure from the Earth
Simulate a spacecraft in orbit near the earth and moon.
Interstellar mission simulation with a sun gravity assist.
Perform a heliocentric simulation from one circular orbit to another.
Mars 3D optimal trajectory with a linear regulator
Simulate the solar system using an n-body model
Orbit simulation of a solar sail.
Spiral to a Hohmann Transfer to Apophis.

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2D landing simulation using bilinear tangent thrust programming.
3D lander simulation using the bilinear tangent law.
Landing demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming.
Lunar takeoff demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming.
Takeoff demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming.

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CRTBP Example Trajectory
Energy minimization in the 4 body problem.
Compute the lissajous trajectory about a collinear libration point.
Periodic Orbit Families
Low Energy Mission
Periodic Orbit Families
Planet id number from name.
Demonstrate propagation functions.
Demonstrates RefineXAxisIntercept
Demonstrate low-energy transfer targeting for a 3-body system
Simulate a low thrust departure from the Earth

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Simulate a departure from the Earth
Fastest possible Mars one-way trip with fusion propulsion
Mars mission
Spacecraft simulation around Mars with Phobos and Deimos
Mars planar orbit optimization - round-trip
Mars straight line trajectory

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Compute the total delta-V for the JIMO mission
Compute the delta-V for a low thrust mission to Mars synchronous orbit.
Perform an optimal 2D transfer from Earth to Mars orbits.
Hohmann transfer to Mars.

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Set up and run the trajectory optimization for an asteroid intercept.
Optimal 3D transfer to Mars, continuous thrust
Optimal continous thrust transfer to Planet 9
Compute the Zermelo cost function as a function of costate.
Demonstrate the Trajectory optimization using the Zermelo problem

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Jupiter planar optimization
Low-thrust Pluto trajectory
Mercury planar optimization
Planar orbit optimization to outside the solar system, 550 AU
Pluto planar orbit optimization
Demonstrate the 2D trajectory optimization function for low thrust.

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Chemical mission to Pluto
Generate Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) Pluto Orbiter CAD model
Load and plot the NewHorizons Pluto flyby
Pluto mission beamed power
Pluto mission delta-Vs using DFD, Lambert solutions
Generate a ground track on Pluto
Lambert Delta-V to Pluto for fixed duration and variable start date
PlutoLander.matSaved lander configuration
3D lander simulation at Pluto.
Generate Pluto lander model
Design a Pluto mission using DFD
PlutoSpacecraftData.matSaved fuel masses and powers.

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Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) Mars Mission using an Orion capsule.
Fusion Drive-powered space station design and CAD model.
Design the Europa Clipper mission using a nuclear fusion engine.

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Demo of an optimal flyby mission to the Solar Gravitational Lens
Data Rate at the Solar Gravitation Lens
Thrust and uE tradeoffs with mass flow to 550 AU SGL distance
Simulate a departure from the Earth
Explore mission duration parameterization to SGL distances
Mission to SGL beyond 550 AU
Design a spacecraft for the Solar Gravitational Lens mission
Generate preliminary spacecraft design for the SGL flyby mission.
Calculate distance achieved for a 18 year mission

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Simulates a spiral out from LEO.

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Computes the atmospheric density of Mars.
Computes Neptune's atmospheric density using scale heights.
Computes the atmospheric density of Titan using a curve fit.
Compute the atmospheric density on Uranus.
Computes Jupiter's magnetic field based on a tilted dipole model.
Computes the geocentric magnetic field based on a tilted dipole model.
Compute the atm. density (kg/m^3) on Neptune given the altitude (km)
Compute the environment parameters for a selected planet.
Generate vertices and faces for a planet with terrain.
Computes the atmospheric density for Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto.
Finds the distance to the sun and the solar flux.
Computes the albedo and radiation flux for planets.
Titan density model.

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Generate elements and orbit state for the asteroid Apophis.
Asteroid properties.
Compute the position and velocity of Earth in the heliocentric frame.
Determines eclipses in heliocentric coordinates.
Low precision orbits of the four major Galilean satellites.
Interpolate a planet's state for a given Julian Date.
Computes the matrix that transforms from ECI to areographic axes.
Compute the phase angle in the ecliptic plane of a given planet at jD.
Planet id number from name.
Compute Julian Dates for times when two planets are closest.
Get positions for an array of planets using the JPL ephemeris.
The position vectors, gravitational parameters and velocity for the planets.
Generate vertices and faces for a planet patch with terrain.
Read in an asteroid database file and return elements
Computes the JPL position vectors of the planets as a function of time.
Computes planet heliocentric states for a range of dates.
astorbshort.datShort text file with astorb.dat asteroids

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Computes the heliocentric orbital elements after an Earth escape spiral.
Find the Julian Date for a straight line trajectory to the target
Double rendezvous problem between two planets.
Generate a Lambert transfer between two planets.
Propagate n-bodies in an n-body problem.
Simulate a low thrust departure from a planet

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Bilinear tangent law for maximizing altitude on launch.
Bilinear tangent law for orbit insertion or landing.
Bilinear tangent law in vector form for orbit insertion or landing.
Computes the optimal acceleration for a fuel/time problem.
Landing controller.
Implements a bilinear tangent landing controller.
Gravity turn landing controller.
Landing force in the body frame.

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Scales CRTBP Jacobi coordinates to km and sec
Calculate from Jacobi constant from a scaled state vector
Check to see if MATLAB contains the Optimization Toolbox
Keplerian Energy with respect to the Moon.
Compute a periodic orbit for a LET transfer.
Transform from J2000 frame to rotating-pulsating
Transform a state vector from the J2000 reference frame to a rotating
Transform from km and sec to Jacobi coordinates for circular restricted
Compute a periodic orbit for a LET transfer.
Calculate the nominal transfer time for a low energy transfer
Compute the nth coefficient for the about a collinear libration point
Compute libration point data for the restricted three body problem.
Computes the time derivative of a state at a collinear libration point
Compute the time derivative of a state at a collinear libration point,
Compute the lissajous trajectory about a collinear libration point
Compute a ballistic lunar capture trajectory from a circular Earth orbit
Calculate a low energy transfer in a CRTBP.
Minimize the keplerian energy of the final state of a transfer orbit
Find a second perpendicular crossing of the x-axis
Plot the Low Energy Transfer
Plot the Low Energy Transfer, 3 Body Problem
Propagate a Sun-Earth 3BP with origin at the Earth system barycenter.
Propagate a Sun-Earth-Moon 4BP with origin at the Earth-Moon barycenter.
Propagate an arbitrary CRTBP with origin at the secondary body.
Propagate an arbitrary CRTBP with origin at the secondary body
Propagate the CRTBP initial state to the next perigee.
Propagate the CRTBP equations of motion for arbitrary mu
Gain a precise X axis intercept with a good initial guess
Transform a state vector from a rotating pulsating reference frame to J2000
Transfer a CRTBP LET to the restricted 3 body, non-planar problem.
Transfer a LET from the restricted 3BP to the Sun/Planet/Moon 4BP
Calculate an initial velocity from the jacobi constant
f16Data.matMarkellos f16 family orbit data
f16Ref.matMarkellos f16 family reference data
f16pData.matMarkellos f16' family orbit data
f16pRef.matMarkellos f16' family reference data
f17Data.matMarkellos f17 family orbit data
f17Ref.matMarkellos f17 family reference data
f17pData.matMarkellos f17' family orbit data
f17pRef.matMarkellos f17' family reference data
f18Data.matMarkellos f18 family orbit data
f18Ref.matMarkellos f18 family reference data
f18pData.matMarkellos f18' family orbit data
f18pRef.matMarkellos f18' family reference data
f19Data.matMarkellos f19 family orbit data
f19Ref.matMarkellos f19 family reference data
f19pData.matMarkellos f19' family orbit data
f19pRef.matMarkellos f19' family reference data
f20Data.matMarkellos f20 family orbit data
f20Ref.matMarkellos f20 family reference data
f20pData.matMarkellos f20' family orbit data
f20pRef.matMarkellos f20' family reference data
f26Data.matMarkellos f26 family orbit data
f26Ref.matMarkellos f26 family reference data
f26pData.matMarkellos f26' family orbit data
f26pRef.matMarkellos f26' family reference data

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f16Data.matMarkellos f16 family orbit data
f16Ref.matMarkellos f16 family reference data
f16pData.matMarkellos f16' family orbit data
f16pRef.matMarkellos f16' family reference data
f17Data.matMarkellos f17 family orbit data
f17Ref.matMarkellos f17 family reference data
f17pData.matMarkellos f17' family orbit data
f17pRef.matMarkellos f17' family reference data
f18Data.matMarkellos f18 family orbit data
f18Ref.matMarkellos f18 family reference data
f18pData.matMarkellos f18' family orbit data
f18pRef.matMarkellos f18' family reference data
f19Data.matMarkellos f19 family orbit data
f19Ref.matMarkellos f19 family reference data
f19pData.matMarkellos f19' family orbit data
f19pRef.matMarkellos f19' family reference data
f20Data.matMarkellos f20 family orbit data
f20Ref.matMarkellos f20 family reference data
f20pData.matMarkellos f20' family orbit data
f20pRef.matMarkellos f20' family reference data
f26Data.matMarkellos f26 family orbit data
f26Ref.matMarkellos f26 family reference data
f26pData.matMarkellos f26' family orbit data
f26pRef.matMarkellos f26' family reference data

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Convert c3 to orbital velocity
Computes the parking orbit plane for a heliocentric injection.
Compute the required orbital elements for a flyby
Lower orbits starting from a hyperbolic orbit
Computes patched conic elements.
Helps design patched conic trajectories.
Search for multiple minima in a porkchop plot
Generate time of flight porkchop plot with TOF vs departure data
Generate time of flight porkchop plot with delta-V per departure data
Computes the ratio of the sphere of influence for interplanetary
Computes the synodic period from planets.

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Find the best departure date for TrajectoryBetweenTwoPlanets
Compute transfer start times for a round trip between orbits.
Compute coplanar optimal trajectory, direct method, with fmincon.
Compute optimal trajectory
RHS for constant thrust in cylindrical coordinates.
Simulate a planar heliocentric trajectory
Optimal 3D trajectory between two planets, fixed time (fmincon)

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Convert ECI to Sun Earth rotating coordinates about the barycenter.
Initialize a heliocentric orbit from a planet centered orbit.
Transformation matrix from the heliocentric to B-plane frame.
Computes the transformation matrix from heliocentric to planet fixed frame.

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Equality constraints for the 2D orbit insertion problem.
Equality constraints for the 2D orbit insertion problem.
Cost for the landing for a 2D orbit problem.
Cost for the landing for a 2D orbit problem.
RHS for 2D polar orbit, angle formulation
Simulate a 2D planetary approach
Starting true anomaly to reach a true anomaly in time t

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Gravity acceleration in the earth moon system
Orbit dynamics with spherical harmonic models of the Earth and Moon gravity.
Orbit equations for InterstellarSim.
Solar sail simulation right hand side.
Compute the RHS of the CRTBP equations of motion.
Right hand side for a heliocentric system with a thruster.
Right hand side for a Mars orbit simulation.

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Compute the Jacobi constant for a state in the CRTBP system.
Compute linear system matrix for the circular restricted 3 body problem
Right-hand-side for the circular restricted three body problem.
Simulate an escape trajectory from Earth using CRTBPRHS.
Right-hand-side for the forced circular restricted three body problem.
Compute and plot a family of stable HALO orbits in the given system
Compute a stable initial state for a HALO orbit
Approximate an initial state for a HALO orbit given the orbit size
Simulate the Earth orbit to L2 point low thrust transfer.
Design a low thrust transfer from Earth orbit to Sun/Earth-Moon L2 point
Stoppping Function for the circular restricted three body problem.
Generate a family of planar Lyapunov orbits
Compute a stable initial state for a Lyapunov orbit

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Size an airship to operate with neutral buoyancy on Neptune.
Size an airship to operate with neutral buoyancy on Uranus.

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Generate a plot of a HALO trajectory
Plot planets and a trajectory in the heliocentric frame.
Simulate and plot an Earth orbit to L2 point low thrust transfer.
Plots planet alignments fur successive synodic periods.
Compute and plot positions of planet1 and planet2 at the specified times.
Plots a spacecraft between two planets
B-plane plots using HelioToBPlane.
Create the porkchop plot from the delta-V array and dates

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