Interplanetary Module |
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AlphaCentauriSystem | Model of the Alpha-Centauri system. |
RHSAlphaCentauriMission | Simple dynamical model for a flight to Alpha-Centauri. |
GVEGuidance | Apply Gauss Variation Equations to determine in-plane thrust direction. |
LowThrustDVToTransfer | Compute delta-v assuming full thrust applied during all transfer times. |
LowThrustGVERHS | Right-hand side for low thrust GVE simulation. |
LowThrustGVE_EventFcn | Stopping event function for low thrust GVE sim using ode solver. |
LowThrustRendezvousSim | Simulation of low thrust maneuver to rendezvous with target orbit. |
LowThrustTimeToTransfer | Compute the time to transfer each element from initial to target value. |
EarthMoonTraj.mat | Saved Earth/Moon trajectory. |
NewHorizonsFlyby.txt | New Horizons trajectory data froomo Pluto flyby |
TitanDensityData.mat | Data for Titan atmosphere density. |
lnxp1600p2200.405 | JPL ephemerides good through 2200 |
AlphaCentauriApproach | Analysis of approach orbits to Alpha Centauri binary system |
AlphaCentauriFlight | Simulate a mission to Alpha-Centauri. |
AlphaCentauriGeometry | Draw the Earth-relative geometry of the Alpha-Centauri binary star system |
AlphaCentauriMission | Alpha-Centauri mission |
AlphaCentauriMissionDesign | Explore parameter space for straight-line interstellar mission |
AlphaCentauriOpticalLink | Create an optical link budget for an Alpha-Centauri mission. |
StarshipDesign | Design the starship |
AsteroidProspectorMars | Asteroid Prospector Mars mission planning. |
AsteroidProspectorSim | Asteroid Prospector Simulation |
AsteroidProspectorThrusterLayout | Analyze the thruster layout for the Asteroid Prospector spacecraft |
AsteroidProxOpsDemo | Simulate proximity operations around an asteroid. |
BuildAsteroidProspector | Build the CAD model of the Asteroid Prospector spacecraft. |
DesignAsteroidProspector | Design a mission to visit an asteroid with a small satellite |
TorqueDueToBField | Compute the torque due to the fusion engine magnetic dipole in Earth orbit |
EnceladusCAD | Fusion Drive Enceladus Mission using an Orion capsule. |
EnceladusMissionAnalysis | Enceladus mission |
EarthMarsAnimation | Animate the phasing of Earth and Mars over time. |
EuropaEnvironment | Europa atmospheric density and Jupiter magnetic field near Europa. |
JPLPlanetDemo | Demonstrate JPL ephemeris for the solar system. |
MarsApproach | Simulate an optimal approach and orbit insertion at Mars (fmincon) |
MercuryApproach | Simulate an optimal approach and orbit insertion at Mercury (fmincon) |
OptimalFmincon | Test fmincon against an analytical solution for the linear tangent law |
PlutoApproach | Simulate an optimal approach and orbit insertion at Pluto (fmincon) |
PlutoFlyby | Analyze hyperbolic flyby of Pluto |
ApophisLambertTrajectory | Apophis 3D Lambert transfer delta-V analysis |
ApophisOptimalTrajectory | Apophis 3D optimal trajectory with a linear regulator |
ApophisTransfer | Compute a transfer from earth orbit to the asteroid Apophis. |
EarthDeparture | Simulate a departure from the Earth |
EarthMoonSunSim | Simulate a spacecraft in orbit near the earth and moon. |
InterstellarSim | Interstellar mission simulation with a sun gravity assist. |
LowThrustHeliocentricSim | Perform a heliocentric simulation from one circular orbit to another. |
MarsOptimalTrajectory | Mars 3D optimal trajectory with a linear regulator |
NBodySolarSystem | Simulate the solar system using an n-body model |
SolarSailSim | Orbit simulation of a solar sail. |
SpiralToHohmann | Spiral to a Hohmann Transfer to Apophis. |
Lander2D | 2D landing simulation using bilinear tangent thrust programming. |
Lander3D | 3D lander simulation using the bilinear tangent law. |
LanderSizingDemo | Landing demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming. |
LunarTakeoff3D | Lunar takeoff demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming. |
Takeoff2D | Takeoff demo using bilinear tangent thrust programming. |
CRTBPExampleTrajectory | CRTBP Example Trajectory |
EnergyMin4Body | Energy minimization in the 4 body problem. |
LissajousOrbit | Compute the lissajous trajectory about a collinear libration point. |
LoadFamilies | Periodic Orbit Families |
LowEnergyMission | Low Energy Mission |
PeriodicOrbitFamilies | Periodic Orbit Families |
PlanetIDDemo | Planet id number from name. |
PropagateDemos | Demonstrate propagation functions. |
RefineXAxisInterceptDemo | Demonstrates RefineXAxisIntercept |
Targeting | Demonstrate low-energy transfer targeting for a 3-body system |
TwoDimensionalEscape | Simulate a low thrust departure from the Earth |
EarthDepartureMars | Simulate a departure from the Earth |
MarsFastOneWay | Fastest possible Mars one-way trip with fusion propulsion |
MarsMission | Mars mission |
MarsMoonSim | Spacecraft simulation around Mars with Phobos and Deimos |
MarsPlanar | Mars planar orbit optimization - round-trip |
MarsStraightLineSigma | Mars straight line trajectory |
JIMOMissionAnalysis | Compute the total delta-V for the JIMO mission |
LowThrustMarsMission | Compute the delta-V for a low thrust mission to Mars synchronous orbit. |
LowThrustMarsOptimalTransfer | Perform an optimal 2D transfer from Earth to Mars orbits. |
MarsHohmannTransfer | Hohmann transfer to Mars. |
InterstellarAsteroid | Set up and run the trajectory optimization for an asteroid intercept. |
MarsOptimalTransfer | Optimal 3D transfer to Mars, continuous thrust |
Planet9 | Optimal continous thrust transfer to Planet 9 |
ZermeloCostDemo | Compute the Zermelo cost function as a function of costate. |
ZermeloOptimization | Demonstrate the Trajectory optimization using the Zermelo problem |
JupiterOneWayTrip | Jupiter planar optimization |
LowThrustPlanar | Low-thrust Pluto trajectory |
MercuryOneWay | Mercury planar optimization |
Planar550AU | Planar orbit optimization to outside the solar system, 550 AU |
PlutoPlanar | Pluto planar orbit optimization |
TrajectoryOptimizationDemo | Demonstrate the 2D trajectory optimization function for low thrust. |
ChemicalMission | Chemical mission to Pluto |
DFDPlutoMissionCAD | Generate Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) Pluto Orbiter CAD model |
NewHorizonsPlutoFlyby | Load and plot the NewHorizons Pluto flyby |
PlutoBeamedPower | Pluto mission beamed power |
PlutoDFDMission | Pluto mission delta-Vs using DFD, Lambert solutions |
PlutoGroundTrack | Generate a ground track on Pluto |
PlutoLambertStudy | Lambert Delta-V to Pluto for fixed duration and variable start date |
PlutoLander.mat | Saved lander configuration |
PlutoLander3D | 3D lander simulation at Pluto. |
PlutoLanderCAD | Generate Pluto lander model |
PlutoMission | Design a Pluto mission using DFD |
PlutoSpacecraftData.mat | Saved fuel masses and powers. |
DFDMarsMission | Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) Mars Mission using an Orion capsule. |
DFDSpaceStation | Fusion Drive-powered space station design and CAD model. |
EuropaMissionDesign | Design the Europa Clipper mission using a nuclear fusion engine. |
ConstantUEFlyby | Demo of an optimal flyby mission to the Solar Gravitational Lens |
DataRateSGL | Data Rate at the Solar Gravitation Lens |
DistanceStudy | Thrust and uE tradeoffs with mass flow to 550 AU SGL distance |
EarthDepartureSGL | Simulate a departure from the Earth |
MissionDurations | Explore mission duration parameterization to SGL distances |
MissionSGL | Mission to SGL beyond 550 AU |
MissionSGLCAD | Design a spacecraft for the Solar Gravitational Lens mission |
SGLFlyby | Generate preliminary spacecraft design for the SGL flyby mission. |
SGLOrbit | Calculate distance achieved for a 18 year mission |
EarthSpiralDemo | Simulates a spiral out from LEO. |
AtmDensMars2 | Computes the atmospheric density of Mars. |
AtmDensNeptune | Computes Neptune's atmospheric density using scale heights. |
AtmDensTitan | Computes the atmospheric density of Titan using a curve fit. |
AtmDensUranus | Compute the atmospheric density on Uranus. |
BDipoleJupiter | Computes Jupiter's magnetic field based on a tilted dipole model. |
BDipolePlanet | Computes the geocentric magnetic field based on a tilted dipole model. |
NeptuneDensity | Compute the atm. density (kg/m^3) on Neptune given the altitude (km) |
PlanetEnvironment | Compute the environment parameters for a selected planet. |
PlanetWithTerrain | Generate vertices and faces for a planet with terrain. |
PlanetaryAtmDens | Computes the atmospheric density for Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto. |
PlanetaryDistanceToSun | Finds the distance to the sun and the solar flux. |
PlanetaryRadiationAndAlbedo | Computes the albedo and radiation flux for planets. |
TitanAtmosphere | Titan density model. |
ApophisOrbit | Generate elements and orbit state for the asteroid Apophis. |
AsteroidProperties | Asteroid properties. |
EarthHelioState | Compute the position and velocity of Earth in the heliocentric frame. |
EclipseHelio | Determines eclipses in heliocentric coordinates. |
GalileanSatelliteOrbits | Low precision orbits of the four major Galilean satellites. |
InterpolateState | Interpolate a planet's state for a given Julian Date. |
MarsRot | Computes the matrix that transforms from ECI to areographic axes. |
PlanetHelioPhase | Compute the phase angle in the ecliptic plane of a given planet at jD. |
PlanetId | Planet id number from name. |
PlanetOpposition | Compute Julian Dates for times when two planets are closest. |
PlanetPosJPL | Get positions for an array of planets using the JPL ephemeris. |
PlanetPositionEMBarycenter | The position vectors, gravitational parameters and velocity for the planets. |
PlanetWithTerrainPatch | Generate vertices and faces for a planet patch with terrain. |
ReadAsteroidDatabase | Read in an asteroid database file and return elements |
SolarSysJPL | Computes the JPL position vectors of the planets as a function of time. |
SolarSysState | Computes planet heliocentric states for a range of dates. |
astorbshort.dat | Short text file with astorb.dat asteroids |
EarthOrbToHelioOrb | Computes the heliocentric orbital elements after an Earth escape spiral. |
JDStartTransfer | Find the Julian Date for a straight line trajectory to the target |
LambertDoubleRendezvous | Double rendezvous problem between two planets. |
PlanetTransferLambert | Generate a Lambert transfer between two planets. |
PropagateNBody | Propagate n-bodies in an n-body problem. |
TwoDEscape | Simulate a low thrust departure from a planet |
BilinearTangentAltitude | Bilinear tangent law for maximizing altitude on launch. |
BilinearTangentLaw | Bilinear tangent law for orbit insertion or landing. |
BilinearTangentVector | Bilinear tangent law in vector form for orbit insertion or landing. |
FuelTimeOptimalAccel | Computes the optimal acceleration for a fuel/time problem. |
LandingControl | Landing controller. |
LandingControlBilinear | Implements a bilinear tangent landing controller. |
LandingControlGravityTurn | Gravity turn landing controller. |
LandingForce | Landing force in the body frame. |
CRTBP2kms | Scales CRTBP Jacobi coordinates to km and sec |
CRTBPJacobiConstant | Calculate from Jacobi constant from a scaled state vector |
CheckForOptimizationToolbox | Check to see if MATLAB contains the Optimization Toolbox |
EnergyWRTMoon | Keplerian Energy with respect to the Moon. |
IteratePeriodicOrbit | Compute a periodic orbit for a LET transfer. |
J20002RotPuls | Transform from J2000 frame to rotating-pulsating |
J20002RotPulsPlanetMoon | Transform a state vector from the J2000 reference frame to a rotating |
Kms2CRTBP | Transform from km and sec to Jacobi coordinates for circular restricted |
LETGuess | Compute a periodic orbit for a LET transfer. |
LETPhasing | Calculate the nominal transfer time for a low energy transfer |
LibrationCoeff | Compute the nth coefficient for the about a collinear libration point |
LibrationData | Compute libration point data for the restricted three body problem. |
LibrationRHS | Computes the time derivative of a state at a collinear libration point |
LibrationRHSODE45 | Compute the time derivative of a state at a collinear libration point, |
Lissajous | Compute the lissajous trajectory about a collinear libration point |
LowEnergyEarthToMoonTransfer | Compute a ballistic lunar capture trajectory from a circular Earth orbit |
LowEnergyTransferInCRTBP | Calculate a low energy transfer in a CRTBP. |
MinE4BP | Minimize the keplerian energy of the final state of a transfer orbit |
PeriodicOrbitFromGuess | Find a second perpendicular crossing of the x-axis |
PlotLET | Plot the Low Energy Transfer |
PlotLET3BP | Plot the Low Energy Transfer, 3 Body Problem |
Propagate3BP | Propagate a Sun-Earth 3BP with origin at the Earth system barycenter. |
Propagate4BP | Propagate a Sun-Earth-Moon 4BP with origin at the Earth-Moon barycenter. |
PropagateCRTBP | Propagate an arbitrary CRTBP with origin at the secondary body. |
PropagateCRTBPBackwards | Propagate an arbitrary CRTBP with origin at the secondary body |
PropagateCRTBPToPeriapse | Propagate the CRTBP initial state to the next perigee. |
PropagateCRTBPToXAxis | Propagate the CRTBP equations of motion for arbitrary mu |
RefineXAxisIntercept | Gain a precise X axis intercept with a good initial guess |
RotPuls2J2000 | Transform a state vector from a rotating pulsating reference frame to J2000 |
Targeting3BP2 | Transfer a CRTBP LET to the restricted 3 body, non-planar problem. |
Targeting4BP | Transfer a LET from the restricted 3BP to the Sun/Planet/Moon 4BP |
V0FromJacobiConstant | Calculate an initial velocity from the jacobi constant |
f16Data.mat | Markellos f16 family orbit data |
f16Ref.mat | Markellos f16 family reference data |
f16pData.mat | Markellos f16' family orbit data |
f16pRef.mat | Markellos f16' family reference data |
f17Data.mat | Markellos f17 family orbit data |
f17Ref.mat | Markellos f17 family reference data |
f17pData.mat | Markellos f17' family orbit data |
f17pRef.mat | Markellos f17' family reference data |
f18Data.mat | Markellos f18 family orbit data |
f18Ref.mat | Markellos f18 family reference data |
f18pData.mat | Markellos f18' family orbit data |
f18pRef.mat | Markellos f18' family reference data |
f19Data.mat | Markellos f19 family orbit data |
f19Ref.mat | Markellos f19 family reference data |
f19pData.mat | Markellos f19' family orbit data |
f19pRef.mat | Markellos f19' family reference data |
f20Data.mat | Markellos f20 family orbit data |
f20Ref.mat | Markellos f20 family reference data |
f20pData.mat | Markellos f20' family orbit data |
f20pRef.mat | Markellos f20' family reference data |
f26Data.mat | Markellos f26 family orbit data |
f26Ref.mat | Markellos f26 family reference data |
f26pData.mat | Markellos f26' family orbit data |
f26pRef.mat | Markellos f26' family reference data |
f16Data.mat | Markellos f16 family orbit data |
f16Ref.mat | Markellos f16 family reference data |
f16pData.mat | Markellos f16' family orbit data |
f16pRef.mat | Markellos f16' family reference data |
f17Data.mat | Markellos f17 family orbit data |
f17Ref.mat | Markellos f17 family reference data |
f17pData.mat | Markellos f17' family orbit data |
f17pRef.mat | Markellos f17' family reference data |
f18Data.mat | Markellos f18 family orbit data |
f18Ref.mat | Markellos f18 family reference data |
f18pData.mat | Markellos f18' family orbit data |
f18pRef.mat | Markellos f18' family reference data |
f19Data.mat | Markellos f19 family orbit data |
f19Ref.mat | Markellos f19 family reference data |
f19pData.mat | Markellos f19' family orbit data |
f19pRef.mat | Markellos f19' family reference data |
f20Data.mat | Markellos f20 family orbit data |
f20Ref.mat | Markellos f20 family reference data |
f20pData.mat | Markellos f20' family orbit data |
f20pRef.mat | Markellos f20' family reference data |
f26Data.mat | Markellos f26 family orbit data |
f26Ref.mat | Markellos f26 family reference data |
f26pData.mat | Markellos f26' family orbit data |
f26pRef.mat | Markellos f26' family reference data |
C3ToV | Convert c3 to orbital velocity |
EclipticInjectionPlane | Computes the parking orbit plane for a heliocentric injection. |
FlybyHyperbola | Compute the required orbital elements for a flyby |
OrbitLoweringManeuvers | Lower orbits starting from a hyperbolic orbit |
PatchedConicElements | Computes patched conic elements. |
PatchedConicPlanner | Helps design patched conic trajectories. |
PorkChopMin | Search for multiple minima in a porkchop plot |
PorkChopTOF | Generate time of flight porkchop plot with TOF vs departure data |
PorkChopTOFKepler | Generate time of flight porkchop plot with delta-V per departure data |
SphereOfInfluenceHelio | Computes the ratio of the sphere of influence for interplanetary |
SynodicPlanets | Computes the synodic period from planets. |
FindDepartureDate | Find the best departure date for TrajectoryBetweenTwoPlanets |
OrbitRoundTripTransferTimes | Compute transfer start times for a round trip between orbits. |
PlanarHelioOptimal | Compute coplanar optimal trajectory, direct method, with fmincon. |
PlanarHelioOptimalSlidingTime | Compute optimal trajectory |
RHS2DCylindricalOrbit | RHS for constant thrust in cylindrical coordinates. |
SimulatePlanarHelioTrajectory | Simulate a planar heliocentric trajectory |
TrajectoryBetweenTwoPlanets | Optimal 3D trajectory between two planets, fixed time (fmincon) |
ECIToSunEarthRot | Convert ECI to Sun Earth rotating coordinates about the barycenter. |
HelioFromPlanetInit | Initialize a heliocentric orbit from a planet centered orbit. |
HelioToBPlane | Transformation matrix from the heliocentric to B-plane frame. |
HelioToPlanet | Computes the transformation matrix from heliocentric to planet fixed frame. |
ApproachConst2D | Equality constraints for the 2D orbit insertion problem. |
ApproachConst2DIneq | Equality constraints for the 2D orbit insertion problem. |
ApproachCost2D | Cost for the landing for a 2D orbit problem. |
ApproachCost2DMag | Cost for the landing for a 2D orbit problem. |
RHS2DAnglePolarOrbit | RHS for 2D polar orbit, angle formulation |
Simulate2DApproach | Simulate a 2D planetary approach |
TrueAnomalyStartHyperbola | Starting true anomaly to reach a true anomaly in time t |
FEarthMoon | Gravity acceleration in the earth moon system |
FEarthMoonSun | Orbit dynamics with spherical harmonic models of the Earth and Moon gravity. |
FHel | Orbit equations for InterstellarSim. |
FSolarSail | Solar sail simulation right hand side. |
RHSCRTBP | Compute the RHS of the CRTBP equations of motion. |
RHSHelioWithPlanets | Right hand side for a heliocentric system with a thruster. |
RHSMarsOrbit | Right hand side for a Mars orbit simulation. |
CRTBPJacobi | Compute the Jacobi constant for a state in the CRTBP system. |
CRTBPLinearSystem | Compute linear system matrix for the circular restricted 3 body problem |
CRTBPRHS | Right-hand-side for the circular restricted three body problem. |
EarthEscape | Simulate an escape trajectory from Earth using CRTBPRHS. |
FCRTBPRHS | Right-hand-side for the forced circular restricted three body problem. |
HALOFamily | Compute and plot a family of stable HALO orbits in the given system |
HALOInit | Compute a stable initial state for a HALO orbit |
HALOState | Approximate an initial state for a HALO orbit given the orbit size |
L2OrbitSim | Simulate the Earth orbit to L2 point low thrust transfer. |
LEOToSunEarthL2Design | Design a low thrust transfer from Earth orbit to Sun/Earth-Moon L2 point |
LowThrustCRTBP_StopFcn | Stoppping Function for the circular restricted three body problem. |
LyapunovFamily | Generate a family of planar Lyapunov orbits |
LyapunovInit | Compute a stable initial state for a Lyapunov orbit |
NeptuneAirshipSizing | Size an airship to operate with neutral buoyancy on Neptune. |
UranusAirshipSizing | Size an airship to operate with neutral buoyancy on Uranus. |
HALOPlot | Generate a plot of a HALO trajectory |
HelioPlot | Plot planets and a trajectory in the heliocentric frame. |
L2OrbitPlots | Simulate and plot an Earth orbit to L2 point low thrust transfer. |
PlanetAlignments | Plots planet alignments fur successive synodic periods. |
PlanetPhasing | Compute and plot positions of planet1 and planet2 at the specified times. |
PlanetTrajectoryPlot | Plots a spacecraft between two planets |
PlotBPlane | B-plane plots using HelioToBPlane. |
PorkChopPlot | Create the porkchop plot from the delta-V array and dates |
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