Path: Interplanetary/ThreeBody
% Compute a stable initial state for a Lyapunov orbit Type LyapunovInit for a demo Since version 11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = LyapunovInit( Ax, system, point, doPlot ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ Ax (1,1) Amplitude of oscillation in the x direction (AU) system (:) String name of system: 'SEM' or 'EM' point (1,1) Which libration point: L1 (1) or L2 (2) doPlot (1,1) Flag to plot (1) or not (0) ------- Outputs ------- d (.) Data structure output with system constants and fields: .point .x0 .x0f .tf .x0Hist .t .xSTM .x -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Online course notes, Prof. J.D. Mireles James, Rutgers University. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: ThreeBody/CRTBPLinearSystem Interplanetary: ThreeBody/HALOState Orbit: OrbitData/EarthMoonSystemConstants Orbit: OrbitData/SunEarthMoonSystemConstants Common: Graphics/NewFig
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