Path: Interplanetary/LowEnergyManeuver
% Propagate an arbitrary CRTBP with origin at the secondary body. The default bodies are the earth and sun. It can propagate just the dynamical equations or the state transition matrix. These are nondimensional equations. This is a special case of the general three-body problem where the primary and secondary bodies move in circular orbits about the common center of mass, and the effect of the gravitational attraction of the smallest body (i.e. a moon) is ignored. Propagation is done using ode113. Type PropagateCRTBP for a demo of the Earth/Sun system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [t, y] = PropagateCRTBP(y0,t0,tF,mu,stmcalc) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ y0 (6,1) Current state vector [r;v], nondimensional t0 (1,1) Initial time tF (1,1) Final time mu (1,1) CRTBP mass parameter, muS/(muS+muP) stmcalc (1,1) true if propagating the STM, false otherwise ------- Outputs ------- t (1,:) Time vector y (6,:) State vector --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: LowEnergyManeuverData/f16pRef Common: Graphics/Plot2D
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