Path: Interplanetary/ThreeBody
% Stoppping Function for the circular restricted three body problem. Since version 10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [value, isterminal, direction] = LowThrustCRTBP_StopFcn(t,x,d) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ t (:,1) Time x (:,3) Position d (1,1) Data structure .L (1,1) Sun/earth distance .rE (1,1) Earth dimensioned barycentric position .rS (1,1) Sun dimensioned barycentric position .ratio (1,1) Desired ratio of sun to earth gravity .muSun (1,1) Gravitational potential of the sun .muEarth (1,1) Gravitational potential of the earth ------- Outputs ------- value (1,1) Value isterminal (1,1) 1 if a terminal condition direction (1,1) Sign of direction --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Math: Linear/Mag
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