Path: Interplanetary/SGLens
% Generate preliminary spacecraft design for the SGL flyby mission. The Solar Gravitational Lens mission requires reaching about 650 AU distance from the sun. This example compares a nominal exhaust velocity to the optimal exhaust velocity, which is twice as high. This is for a flyby; there is no deceleration phase. See also: Straight2DStructure, FlybyReport, SimulateFlyby, FlybyOptimalImpulse, ZeroPayloadFlyby, SolveLambdaFlyby, Plot2D
StraightLine: Flyby/FlybyOptimalImpulse StraightLine: Flyby/FlybyReport StraightLine: Flyby/SimulateFlyby StraightLine: Flyby/SolveLambdaFlyby StraightLine: Flyby/ZeroPayloadFlyby StraightLine: Straight2D/Straight2DStructure Common: Database/Constant Common: General/CreateLatexTable Common: Graphics/Plot2D
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