Path: StraightLine/Flyby
% Report of engine properties for a straight-line flyby mission Compute the payload fraction from the time, distance, and engine properties. Compute the power requirement from the payload mass. If there are no outputs the report is printed to the command line. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [s,dOut] = FlybyReport( mP, d, doPlot ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ mP (1) Payload mass (kg) d (.) Structure, see Straight2DStructure doPlot (1) Flag to print a report despite outputs ------- Outputs ------- s {:} Latex dOut (.) Updated data .p Engine power (W) .m0 Initial mass (kg) .mE Engine mass (kg) .mF Fuel mass (kg) .mD Dry mass (kg) .mDot Mass flow rate (kg/s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: SolveLambdaFlyby --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: Flyby/SolveLambdaFlyby StraightLine: Flyby/ZeroPayloadFlyby StraightLine: Straight2D/DryMass StraightLine: Straight2D/EngineMass StraightLine: Straight2D/EngineThrust StraightLine: Straight2D/FuelMass StraightLine: Straight2D/Straight2DStructure Common: General/DisplayLatexTable Common: Graphics/DistanceLabel
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