ComputeDuration |
Compute straight-line duration given power and distance (analytic) |
ComputeDurationFraction |
Compute the duration from the desired payload fraction |
ComputePayload |
Compute payload mass given power, distance, and time (analytic). |
ComputePayloadFraction |
Compute payload fraction given time, distance, and uE (analytic) |
ComputeThrust |
Compute the thrust for a mission, given time and distance |
DVConstantThrust |
Velocity change with constant thrust given fuel and time |
DVForTime |
Straight-line DV given payload, power and engine properties |
DVLimit |
Straight-line DV limit from engine parameters and time. |
DryMass |
Dry mass of vehicle from thrust: payload + engine + fuel tanks |
EngineMass |
Compute engine mass given straight-line thrust |
EnginePower |
Compute engine power from thrust |
EngineReport |
Report of constant-thrust engine properties |
EngineThrust |
Compute engine thrust given power |
FuelMass |
Fuel mass from the thrust and duration |
InitialMass |
Initial mass of vehicle from straight-line thrust and time |
MassFuelElectricConstantThrust |
Fuel mass for a constant thrust electric propulsion system. |
MaximumDV |
Maximum DV calculated from power level |
OptimalCharacteristicVelocity |
Optimal velocity ratio for straight-line mission |
OptimalExhaustVelocity |
Find a mass-optimal straight-line exhaust velocity using fminbnd |
OptimalImpulseDuration |
Find the exhaust velocity to minimize duration using fminbnd |
OptimalTripTime |
Optimal straight-line trip time for an ideal rocket |
PlotPayloadFraction |
Plot the payload fraction for a range of transfer times |
RoundTripTime |
Round trip time for a straight-line, constant thrust (Kammash) |
SimulateStraightLineTrajectory |
Simulate a straight line, constant-thrust trajectory |
SolveSigma |
Solve for a sigma given a time, distance, and payload (fzero) |
Straight2DStructure |
Data structure for straight line mission analysis |
StraightLineConstantThrust |
Compute straight line bang-bang trajectory with constant thrust |
StraightLineOptimal |
Compute exhaust velocity and thrust for a minimum mass trajectory |
StraightLineReport |
Text report for straight line trajectory output |
SwitchTime |
Calculate the switch time for a straight line trajectory |
TripDistance |
Distance traveled in time for straight-line constant thrust. |
TripTime |
Compute the trip time and thrust from distance and total mass (analytic) |
Calculate masses for a spacecraft with an electric propulsion system. |
ZeroPayloadDistance |
Maximum straight-line distance achievable in specified time. |
ZeroPayloadTime |
Solve for minimum time to achieve a straight-line distance (fzero). |
SLPLDataStructure |
Straight-line, power-limited data structure |
SLPLDeltaV |
Compute delta-V of an ideal power-limited rocket (straight-line) |
SLPLFindDistance |
Finds duration, ideal power-limited rocket, straight-line trajectory |
SLPLFindDuration |
Finds duration, ideal power-limited rocket, straight-line trajectory |
SLPLFindMass |
Finds final mass, ideal power-limited rocket, straight-line trajectory |
SLPLFindPower |
Finds required power, ideal power-limited rocket, straight-line traj. |
SLPLReport |
Print a summary of an SLPL problem |
SLPLSolver |
Solve a straight-line power-limited rocket problem. |
SLPLTrajectory |
Compute trajectory for an ideal power-limited rocket (straight-line) |