StraightLine Module

Directory List

ConstantAccel ConstantThrust Data
Demos/AlphaCentauri Demos/ConstantThrust Demos/Flyby
Demos/Rectilinear Demos/SLPowerLimited Flyby
Rectilinear SLPowerLimited


Estimate DV using constant acceleration approximation
Fuel mass for a constant accel/power electric propulsion system
Fuel mass for a constant accel/exhaust velocity electric propulsion system.
Constant acceleration simulation
Returns data structure for straight line functions
Computes power and thrust as a function of specific power.

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Compute straight-line duration given power and distance (analytic)
Compute the duration from the desired payload fraction
Compute payload mass given power, distance, and time (analytic).
Compute payload fraction given time, distance, and uE (analytic)
Compute the thrust for a mission, given time and distance
Velocity change with constant thrust given fuel and time
Straight-line DV given payload, power and engine properties
Straight-line DV limit from engine parameters and time.
Dry mass of vehicle from thrust: payload + engine + fuel tanks
Compute engine mass given straight-line thrust
Compute engine power from thrust
Report of constant-thrust engine properties
Compute engine thrust given power
Fuel mass from the thrust and duration
Initial mass of vehicle from straight-line thrust and time
Fuel mass for a constant thrust electric propulsion system.
Maximum DV calculated from power level
Optimal velocity ratio for straight-line mission
Find a mass-optimal straight-line exhaust velocity using fminbnd
Find the exhaust velocity to minimize duration using fminbnd
Optimal straight-line trip time for an ideal rocket
Plot the payload fraction for a range of transfer times
Round trip time for a straight-line, constant thrust (Kammash)
Simulate a straight line, constant-thrust trajectory
Solve for a sigma given a time, distance, and payload (fzero)
Data structure for straight line mission analysis
Compute straight line bang-bang trajectory with constant thrust
Compute exhaust velocity and thrust for a minimum mass trajectory
Text report for straight line trajectory output
Calculate the switch time for a straight line trajectory
Distance traveled in time for straight-line constant thrust.
Compute the trip time and thrust from distance and total mass (analytic)
Calculate masses for a spacecraft with an electric propulsion system.
Maximum straight-line distance achievable in specified time.
Solve for minimum time to achieve a straight-line distance (fzero).

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PlutoLander_Stowed.matCAD model of stowed lander

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AlphaCentauri flyby at constant thrust
Data Rate Alpha Centauri
Straight-line rendezvous to Alpha Centauri

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Delta-V limits for a selected mission
Demo of attainable DV for a given payload mass
DV vs trip time demo for specific missions
Solar system performance plot for straight-line trajectories.
Demo of the mimimum time and maximum distance straight-line functions.
NASA roadmap mission point solutions to Jupiter, Pluto, 125 AU
Mission capability chart using straight-line trajectories
Optimal impulse for straight-line trajectories
Straight-line payload study to 125 AU
Payload fraction demo for a variety of reference missions
Straight line Point solution
Trip time vs. power demo
Compute exhaust velocity vs specific power

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>100 MW engine analysis to interstellar distances, flyby and rendezvous
Straight-line, constant-thrust flyby demo

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Demonstrate RectilinearMission - burn, coast, burn.

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Power-Limited Rocket (SLPL) Demo
Compare a constant-thrust mission to optimal linear acceleration

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Flyby distance and velocity for constant thrust.
Compute exhaust velocity and thrust for a minimum mass trajectory (fmincon)
Find exhaust velocity to maximise payload fraction (fminsearch)
Report of engine properties for a straight-line flyby mission
Straight line flyby simulation
Solve a flyby problem and compute engine power for the payload
Compute the payload fraction for a straight-line flyby (fminbnd).
Compute the zero payload flyby distance for duration, or time for distance

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Generate a mission plan for a burn, coast burn mission.
Simulate rectilinear motion.
Compute the time to reach a given velocity.

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Straight-line, power-limited data structure
Compute delta-V of an ideal power-limited rocket (straight-line)
Finds duration, ideal power-limited rocket, straight-line trajectory
Finds duration, ideal power-limited rocket, straight-line trajectory
Finds final mass, ideal power-limited rocket, straight-line trajectory
Finds required power, ideal power-limited rocket, straight-line traj.
Print a summary of an SLPL problem
Solve a straight-line power-limited rocket problem.
Compute trajectory for an ideal power-limited rocket (straight-line)

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