Path: StraightLine/ConstantAccel
% Fuel mass for a constant accel/power electric propulsion system Assumes constant power and constant acceleration. The spacecraft slows to zero velocity at its target. This uses a straight line model. This model assumes power is constant. This means exhaust velocity increases as the mass drops. There are two cases in the demo, one for a flyby mission and one for a rendezvous. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = MassFuelElectricConstantPower(d0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d0 (.) Data structure See StraightLineDataStructure .mis '' Mission type, 'flyby' or 'stop' .p (1) Power (W) ------- Outputs ------- d (.) Data structure with updated fields .a (1) Acceleration (km/s2) .mF (1) Fuel mass (kg) .thrust (1) Thrust (N) .uE (1) Exhaust velocity (N) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also MassFuelElectricConstantUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: ConstantAccel/StraightLineConstantAccel StraightLine: ConstantThrust/StraightLineDataStructure Common: Database/Constant
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