
Path: StraightLine/ConstantAccel

% Constant acceleration simulation
 Assumes constant acceleration. Flyby and stopping are supported. This uses a
 straight line model. If d.p is entered (and constant), d.uE is not used.
 Otherwise, power is computed from uE. Use either
 MassFuelElectricConstantUE or MassFuelElectricConstantPower to compute
 the fuel mass.

 Type StraightLineConstantAccel for a demo.
           d = StraightLineConstantAccel;  % data structure, constant uE
   [mF,xP,t] = StraightLineConstantAccel(d,n)

   d 	(.)   Data structure
           	See StraightLineDataStructure
              .a Acceleration
   n   (1,1) Number of steps

   mF  (1,1) Mass of fuel (kg)
   xP  (3,:) State [x;v;mF]
   t   (1,:) Time (s)

 See also MassFuelElectricConstantUE, MassFuelElectricConstantPower


StraightLine: ConstantAccel/MassFuelElectricConstantUE
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/StraightLineDataStructure
Common: Database/Constant
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Math: Integration/RK4

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