Path: StraightLine/ConstantThrust
% Returns data structure for straight line functions If you enter d it will return a latex formatted version -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = StraightLineDataStructure l = StraightLineDataStructure( d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d (.) Data structure ------- Outputs ------- d (.) Data structure .dF (1,1) Final distance (km) .tF (1,1) Final time (s) .eta (1,1) Thrust efficiency .sigma (1,1) Specific power (W/kg) .uE (1,1) Constant exhaust velocity (km/s) .f (1,1) Tank fraction (kg/kg) .mP (1,1) Payload mass (kg) .mE (1,1) Engine mass (kg) .mF (1,1) Fuel mass (kg) .mD (1,1) Dry mass (kg) .m0 (1,1) Initial mass (kg) .thrust (1,1) Thrust (N) .accel (1,1) Accel (km/s^2) .tS (1,1) Thrust sign switch time (s) .v0 (1,1) Initial velocity (km/s) .vS (1,1) Switch velocity (km/s) .dV (1,1) Total delta velocity (km/s) .p (1,1) Power (W) .useAccel (1,1) If true is acceleration for simulations .constPower (1,1) If true hold power constant or l {:,3} Latex formatted data structure --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Database/Constant
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