Path: StraightLine/Straight2D
% Compute the thrust for a mission, given time and distance Find the thrust (and power) that achieves the requested distance dF in the time tF. No other parameters are needed. The solution is analytic. The function will throw an error if the duration is too short. Type ComputeThrust for a demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [thrust,data] = ComputeThrust( d, doPlot ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Inputs ------- d (.) Data structure See Straight2DStructure doPlot (1,1) Display report ------- Outputs ------- thrust (1,1) Thrust, N data (.) Data structure output See EngineReport -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: TripDistance, EngineReport, ComputePayloadFraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: Straight2D/ComputePayloadFraction StraightLine: Straight2D/EngineReport StraightLine: Straight2D/EngineThrust StraightLine: Straight2D/Straight2DStructure
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