
Path: StraightLine/ConstantThrust

% Report of constant-thrust engine properties
 If there are no outputs the report is printed to the command line. If the
 thrust is empty, the payload-independent quantities will be reported -
 payload mass fraction, payload specific power, delta-V. If the thrust is
 zero, the value will be computed from the payload mass.
              EngineReport( [], d )   % report
              EngineReport( 0, d )    % compute thrust for mP
   [s,dOut] = EngineReport( thrust, d, doPlot )
   thrust     (1,1)     Thrust (N), may be empty
   d           (.)      Engine data struct
                         .mP  Payload mass (kg)
   doPlot     (1,1)     Display report even if there are outputs

   s           {:}       Latex
   dOut        (.)       Updated data
                         .lambda  Payload ratio (mP/m0)
                         .alpha   Power ratio (mP/P)
                         .dV      Delta-V (km/s)
                         .thrust  Engine power (W)
                         .p       Engine power (W)
                         .m0      Initial mass (kg)
                         .mE      Engine mass (kg)
                         .mF      Fuel mass (kg)
                         .mD      Dry mass (kg)
                         .mDot    Mass flow rate (kg/s)
                         .tS      Switch time (s)
                         .vS      Switch velocity (km/s)

 See also: ComputePayloadFraction, EngineThrust, EnginePower,
 TripDistance, DisplayLatexTable


StraightLine: ConstantThrust/ComputePayloadFraction
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/ComputeThrust
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/DryMass
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/EnginePower
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/EngineThrust
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/Straight2DStructure
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/TripDistance
Common: General/DisplayLatexTable
Common: Graphics/DistanceLabel

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