Path: StraightLine/SLPowerLimited
% Compute trajectory for an ideal power-limited rocket (straight-line) If there are no outputs the function produces two plots. Power limit is the only constraint; thrust and exhaust velocity can go to zero or infinity. Uses Leitmann's 1961 result that the optimal acceleration profile is linear in time. The optimal can be either: * Constrained fuel and time, maximized distance OR * Constrained distance and time, minimized fuel OR * Constrained fuel and distance, minimized time. The acceleration profile is: a(t) = A*(tF-tau-t) a is acceleration, A is a constant, tau is a constant, t is mission time, tF is the final time. Type SLPLTrajectory for a demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: SLPLTrajectory( d ); % create plots [t,d,v,a,m,uE,T] = SLPLTrajectory( d ); [t,d,v,a,m,uE,T] = SLPLTrajectory( A, tau, Pj, m0, tF, t, doPlot ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ A (1,1) Acceleration scale parameter, (m/s^3). Find this using the SLPLSolver function. tau (1,1) Time between turnaround and tF (s). Pj (1,1) Jet power (eta*P, eta*sigma*mE) (W) m0 (1,1) Initial (wet) mass (kg) tF (1,1) Final time (s) t (1,:) Time vector (optional) (s) doPlot (1) Flag to create plots ------- Outputs ------- t (1,:) Time vector (same as argument, if given) (s) d (1,:) Distance at t (km) v (1,:) Velocity at t (km/s) a (1,:) Acceleration at t (m/s^2) m (1,:) Mass at t (kg) uE (1,:) Exhaust velocity at t (km/s) T (1,:) Thrust at t, (N) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: Leitmann, George. "Minimum Transfer Time for a Power-Limited Rocket." Journal of Applied Mechanics 28, no. 2 (June 1, 1961): 171-78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Graphics/DistanceLabel Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
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