Path: StraightLine/Flyby
% Solve a flyby problem and compute engine power for the payload Solve for the payload and power fractions given the engine parameters. Compute the engine power and initial mass from the payload. Enter dF or tau to override the value stored in d. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [P,m0] = SolveFlybyPower( d, dF, tau ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d (.) Engine data structure dF (1,1) Distance (km), optional tau (1,1) Transit time (s), optional ------- Outputs ------- P (1,1) Power (MW) m0 (1,1) Initial mass (kg) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: Straight2DStructure, ZeroPayloadFlyby, SolveLambdaFlyby --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/EngineThrust StraightLine: ConstantThrust/Straight2DStructure StraightLine: Flyby/SolveLambdaFlyby StraightLine: Flyby/ZeroPayloadFlyby Common: Database/Constant
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