Path: StraightLine/Flyby
% Compute the payload fraction for a straight-line flyby (fminbnd). For a flyby, this is a simple bounded problem using the distance equation. From here, the power or payload mass can each be found from the other, and they are proportional to each other. The distance must be less than the "zero payload distance", and the payload must be greater than zero. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [lambda,alpha,gamma] = SolveLambdaFlyby( d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d (.) Engine data structure See Straight2DStructure ------- Outputs ------- lambda (1,1) Payload fraction, mPL/m0 alpha (1,1) Payload/power ratio, mPL/P (kg/W) gamma (1,1) Ratio, mDot/m0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: Flyby/ZeroPayloadFlyby StraightLine: Straight2D/Straight2DStructure Common: Database/Constant
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