Path: StraightLine/Flyby
% Flyby distance and velocity for constant thrust. Analytical solution. This automatically computes the fuel mass. mD needs to include the propulsion system mass and the tankage mass. Type FlybyConstantThrust for a demo including verification by numerical simulation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [dF, vF, mFuel] = FlybyConstantThrust( thrust, d ) [dF, vF, mFuel] = FlybyConstantThrust( thrust, uE, m0, tF, v0 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ thrust (1,:) Thrust (N) uE (1,1) Exhaust velocity (km/s) m0 (1,1) Total mass (kg) tF (1,1) Duration (s) v0 (1,1) Initial velocity (km/s) (optional, default 0) ------- Outputs ------- dF (1,1) Final distance (km) vF (1,:) Final velocity (km/s) mFuel (1,1) Required fuel (kg) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: Flyby/SimulateFlyby StraightLine: Straight2D/InitialMass Common: Database/Constant
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