Path: StraightLine/Straight2D
% Compute the duration from the desired payload fraction This is an analytic solution for a straight-line, constant-thrust problem. If there are no outputs, will print a report to the command line or, for an input array, create a plot as a function of payload fraction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: ComputeDurationFraction; % demo [tF,alpha] = ComputeDurationFraction( lambda, d ) ComputeDurationFraction( lambda, d ); % make plot -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ lambda (1,:) Payload fraction, mPL/m0, must be <1 d (.) Engine data structure ------- Outputs ------- tF (1,:) Trip duration (s) alpha (1,:) Payload/power ratio, mPL/P (kg/W) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: ComputePayloadFraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: Straight2D/EngineReport StraightLine: Straight2D/Straight2DStructure Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TimeLabel
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