Path: StraightLine/ConstantThrust
% Round trip time for a straight-line, constant thrust (Kammash) Kammash's simple formula masks the engine specific power and fuel tank fraction, but shows the impact and tradeoff of specific impulse and thrust. The mass delivered is proportional to the thrust while the time is inversely related to the specific impulse. tauRT = 4*dF/(g*Isp) + 4*sqrt(dF*Mf/thrust) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: RoundTripTime; % demo [tauRT,mP] = RoundTripTime( dF, Isp, thrust, Mf ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ dF (1,1) One-way distance (km) Isp (1,1) Specific impulse (s) thrust (1,1) Thrust (N) Mf (1,1) Final mass (kg) ------- Outputs ------- tauRT (1,:) Round trip time, s mP (1,:) Propellant mass consumed, kg -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: T. Kammash, Ed., Fusion Energy in Space Propulsion, AIAA, Vol. 167, 1995. p. 4 and 69 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Plot2D
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