Path: StraightLine/ConstantThrust
% Compute the trip time and thrust from distance and total mass (analytic) Note that the trip time is fixed from the resulting payload fraction, and the amount of payload will then determine the engine thrust required. In order to first determine the relationship between payload fraction and time given the distance and remaining parameters, see ComputePayloadFraction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [tF,thrust,data] = TripTime( m0, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ m0 (1,1) Mission wet mass d (.) Data structure See Straight2DStructure .mP (1,1) Payload, kg .dF (1,1) Distance, km doPlot (1,1) Display engine report ------- Outputs ------- tau (1,:) Trip time (s) thrust (1,1) Engine thrust (N) data (.) Engine report -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: ComputeThrust, ComputePayloadFraction --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/ComputeThrust StraightLine: ConstantThrust/SimulateStraightLineTrajectory StraightLine: ConstantThrust/Straight2DStructure StraightLine: ConstantThrust/ZeroPayloadTime Common: Database/Constant
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