Path: StraightLine/ConstantThrust
% Solve for a sigma given a time, distance, and payload (fzero) The demo shows Jupiter, Pluto, and 125 AU missions for 1 to 10 MW. There may be no solution for some combinations of distance and time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [sigma,eFlag] = SolveSigma( power, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ power (1,1) Power (W) d (.) Engine data structure ------- Outputs ------- sigma (1,:) Specific power (W/kg) eFlag (1,1) Flag from fzero --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/EngineThrust StraightLine: ConstantThrust/Straight2DStructure StraightLine: ConstantThrust/TripDistance Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Plot2D
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