
Path: StraightLine/AlphaCentauri

% Straight-line rendezvous to Alpha Centauri
 Evaluate different values for the exhaust velocity and specific power for a
 mission to Alpha Centauri. Uses a very optimistic (low) structural fraction.
 Delivers a fixed payload of 100 kg.

 Things to try:
 *  Try specific powers up to 400 kW/kg
 *  Try exhaust velocity up to 25,000 km/s, the limit for fusion products
 See also: ComputeDuration, EngineReport, SimulateStraightLineTrajectory,
 Straight2DStructure, Plot2D


StraightLine: ConstantThrust/SimulateStraightLineTrajectory
StraightLine: Straight2D/ComputeDuration
StraightLine: Straight2D/EngineReport
StraightLine: Straight2D/OptimalExhaustVelocity
StraightLine: Straight2D/Straight2DStructure
Common: Graphics/Plot2D

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