Path: StraightLine/ConstantThrust
% Optimal straight-line trip time for an ideal rocket Computes optimal trip time for distance given engine specific power and specific impulse. This is a numerical process. This formulation neglects fuel tank fraction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: OptimalTripTime; % demo [T,lambda,iter] = OptimalTripTime( d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d (.) Straight 2D structure .dF .eta .sigma .uE ------- Outputs ------- T (1,1) Time lambda (1,1) Payload ratio iter (1,1) Iterations -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: Craig Williams, An Analytic Approximation to Very High Specific Impulse and Specific Power Interplanetary Space Mission Analysis, AAS Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 1996 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
StraightLine: ConstantThrust/ComputePayloadFraction StraightLine: ConstantThrust/OptimalCharacteristicVelocity StraightLine: ConstantThrust/Straight2DStructure Common: Database/Constant
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