
Path: StraightLine/Straight2D

% Compute exhaust velocity and thrust for a minimum mass trajectory
 Computes the exhaust velocity that optimizes the payload fraction for the
 desired mission distance and time. The power is calculated from the thrust and
 thrust efficiency. The engine mass is calculated from the specific power.

   P  = 0.5 T*uE/eta
   mE = P/sigma

 The total mass is

   m0 = mP + (1 + f)*mF + mE

 where mP is the mass of the payload, f is the fuel structural fraction, and mE
 is the mass of the engine. If the time is not sufficient given the other
 engine parameters the function with throw an error.

 Type StraightLineOptimal for a demo to Alpha Centauri
   [uE, thrust, data] = StraightLineOptimal( d, doPlot )

   d        (.)   Data structure with dF and tF
   doPlot  (1,1)  Display report

   uE      (1,1) Exhaust velocity (km/s)
   thrust  (1,1) Thrust (N)
   data     (.)  Results data structure
                 .p  (1,1) Power       (W)
                 .mD (1,1) Dry mass   (kg)
                 .mF (1,1) Fuel mass  (kg)
                 .dV (1,1) Delta-V  (km/s)
                 .dF (1,1) Final distance achieved (km)
                 .vF (1,1) Final velocity achieved (km/s)

   See also OptimalExhaustVelocity, ZeroPayloadTime, ComputeThrust


StraightLine: ConstantThrust/SimulateStraightLineTrajectory
StraightLine: Straight2D/ComputeThrust
StraightLine: Straight2D/OptimalExhaustVelocity
StraightLine: Straight2D/Straight2DStructure
StraightLine: Straight2D/ZeroPayloadTime

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