
Path: Interplanetary/InterplanetaryOrbit

% Compute Julian Dates for times when two planets are closest.

   Oppositions for Mars and Earth

   2012 Mar  3 20:04 
   2014 Apr  8 20:57
   2016 May 22 11:11
   2018 Jul 27 05:07
   2020 Oct 13 23:20

   Type PlanetOpposition for a demo recreating this table. This function
   utilizes the almanac functions Planet and SolarSys. Note that the dates
   are off by 17 days due to the ephemeris errors.

   Since version 2014.1
   c = PlanetOpposition( planets, jDStart, n )

   planets	[1,2]  Planet numbers
   jDStart (1,1)  Julian date of start (Julian Days)
   n       (1,1)  Number of oppositions

   c       (1,:)  Oppositions (Julian Days)



Orbit: OrbitMechanics/SynPer
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
SC: Ephem/Planets
SC: Ephem/SolarSys
Common: Database/Constant
Common: Time/Date2JD
Common: Time/JD2T
Common: Time/JDToDateString
Math: Linear/Unit

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