
Path: Interplanetary/LowEnergyManeuver

% Plot the Low Energy Transfer
 Plot the Low Energy Transfer for a 4 body problem in a Non-Rotating Frame as
 well as in a Sun-Earth Rotating Frame. You must initialize the 
 Barycenter using PlanetPositionEMBarycenter('initialize',[0, 3,10]);

 Type PlotLET for a demo.

   h = PlotLET(elements,dV1Eph,det,jDate,h)

   elements                (1,6)	Ecliptic orbital elements of the initial state
   dV1Eph                  (1,1)	Magnitude of the initial burn
   det                     (1,1)	Transfer time
   jDate                   (1,1) Julian date
   muMoonMultiplier        (1,1) 0 to 1, for the purpose of easing between 3BP and 4BP
   h                       (1,2)	Optional. Figure handles to use for plots.

   h         (1,2	Figure handles used for the plots.


Interplanetary: Ephemeris/PlanetPositionEMBarycenter
Interplanetary: LowEnergyManeuver/J20002RotPuls
Interplanetary: LowEnergyManeuver/Propagate4BP
SC: BasicOrbit/El2RV
Common: Database/Constant
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Math: Linear/Unit

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