Path: Interplanetary/Visualization
% Plots a spacecraft between two planets Requires running PlanetPosJPL( 'initialize', [p1 p2]) first. THe beginning states are marked with "o" and the end states with "x". -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: PlanetTrajectoryPlot( xP, jD0, years, p1, p2 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ xP (3,:) Trajectory of spacecraft (km) jD0 (1,1) Start Julian date (days) years (1,1) Number of years in simulation (years) p1 (1,1) Planet id 1 (1-9) p2 (1,1) Planet id 2 (1-9) ------- Outputs ------- hF (1,1) Figure handle hL (1,:) Line handles --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: Ephemeris/PlanetPosJPL Orbit: OrbitMechanics/RVOrbGen SC: Ephem/PlanetYear Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Graphics/ZLabelS Common: Time/Date2JD
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