Path: Interplanetary/LowEnergyManeuver
% Computes the time derivative of a state at a collinear libration point Uses the equations of motion (up to 3rd order) for the circular restricted three-body problem. Formatted for PSS RK4/RK45 integrators. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: xDot = LibrationRHS( x, t, c2, c3, c4 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (6,1) Current state [x;y;z;dxdt;dydt;dzdt] t (1,1) Time (not used) c2 (1,1) Coefficient on 1st order terms c3 (1,1) Coefficient on 2nd order terms c4 (1,1) Coefficient on 3rd order terms ------- Outputs ------- xDot (6,1) Time derivative of the state, x --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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