
Path: Interplanetary/Enceladus

% Fusion Drive Enceladus Mission using an Orion capsule.

 You can change parameters to resize the vehicle. This designs a fusion
 propelled spacecraft to take an Orion capsule to Enceladus. Sizes the mission
 and builds a model of the propulsion stage.

 See also: RocketMass, VEscape, VOrbit, BuildCADModel, CreateReport, ExportOBJ


AerospaceUtils: CAD/BuildCADModel
AerospaceUtils: CAD/CreateBody
AerospaceUtils: CAD/CreateComponent
AerospaceUtils: CAD/CreateReport
AerospaceUtils: CAD/ExportOBJ
AerospaceUtils: ComponentModels/AntennaPatch
Orbit: OrbitMechanics/VEscape
Propulsion: Rocket/RocketMass
SC: BasicOrbit/VOrbit
Common: ComponentModels/Truss
Common: Database/Constant
Common: FileUtils/FileFullpath
Common: General/CreateLatexTable

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