Path: Interplanetary/Optimization
% Simulate a planar heliocentric trajectory Assumes a constant thrust with a planar angle of phi. If there are no outputs the function creates two plots, one a time history and the other a 2D trajectory. Type SimulatePlanarHelioTrajectory for a constant thrust demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [xEnd,xCyl,fHat] = SimulatePlanarHelioTrajectory( mD, mF, thrust, uE, r0, rT, mu, phi, t ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ mD (1,1) Dry mass (kg) mF (1,1) Fuel mass (kg) thrust (1,1) Thrust (N) uE (1,1) Exhaust velocity (km/s) r0 (1,1) Initial radius (km) rT (1,1) Final radius (km) mu (1,1) phi (1,:) Thrust angles (rad) t (1,:+1) Corresponding times (s) ------- Outputs ------- xEnd (5,1) Final state [u,v,r,mF,theta] xCyl (2,:) Cylindrical trajectory [r;theta] fHat (2,:) Thrust direction --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: Optimization/RHS2DCylindricalOrbit SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TimeLabl Math: Integration/RK4
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