Path: Interplanetary/Optimization
% RHS for constant thrust in cylindrical coordinates. Computes the right hand side for the planar dynamical equations with a central gravitational force. Includes time varying mass. With no arguments it returns the data structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = RHS2DCylindricalOrbit; % data structure xDot = RHS2DCylindricalOrbit( x, ~, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (5,1) [u;v;r;m;theta] u = dr/dt t (1,1) Time (unused) d (.) Data structure .uE (1,1) Exhaust velocity (km/s) .mu (1,1) Central force gravitational constant (m^3/s^2) .mD (1,1) Dry mass (kg) .thrust (1,1) Thrust (N) .phi (1,1) Steering angle from tangential (rad) ------- Outputs ------- xDot (4,1) d[u;v;r;m;theta]/dt --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Database/Constant
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