Path: Interplanetary/LowEnergyManeuver
% Calculate the nominal transfer time for a low energy transfer The names of the moon and planet must be available in the Constant database. Type LETPhasing for a demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [det,orbits] = LETPhasing(x0,desiredPhasing,moon,planet,et,jDate) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x0 (1,1) Initial guess for a transfer time desiredPhasing (1,1) Angle of the moon at the final time in the Sun/Planet rotating coordinate system moon (1,:) String name of moon planet (1,:) String name of planet et (1,1) Seconds after the epoch jDate at which the transfer initiates jDate (1,1) Julian date ------- Outputs ------- det (1,1) Estimated transfer time orbits (1,1) Number of lunar orbits during transfer --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: Ephemeris/PlanetPositionEMBarycenter Interplanetary: LowEnergyManeuver/J20002RotPuls SC: BasicOrbit/RV2El Common: Database/Constant Common: Time/JD2000
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