Path: Interplanetary/OrbitInsertion
% Simulate a 2D planetary approach Models a rocket with throttle approaching a point mass planet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: Simulate2DApproach( t, x0, phi, a, d, name ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ t (1,:) Time vector x0 (4,1) Initial state [r;u;v;theta] phi (1,:) Thrust angle (rad) a (1,:) Acceleration due to the rocket (0-1) d (.) Data structure describing spacecraft model .mu (1,1) Gravity .a (1,1) Throttle (-1 to 1) .aMax (1,1) Max accel name (1,:) Name for the plots ------- Outputs ------- x (4,:) [r;v] Cartesian position and velocity (km,km/s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SC: BasicOrbit/El2RV SC: BasicOrbit/Nu2M Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TimeLabl Math: Integration/RK45 Math: Linear/Cross Math: Linear/Dot Math: Linear/Mag Math: Linear/Unit
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