Path: Interplanetary/AsteroidProspector
% Compute delta-v assuming full thrust applied during all transfer times. Approximate delta-V required to transfer to another orbit. Assumes one Keplerian element is changed at a time. Takes in transfer times from another function. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [dVTot,dVElem] = LowThrustDVToTransfer( dT, m0, thrust, Isp ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ dT (5,1) Transfer times for each orbital element (sec) See LowThrustTimeToTransfer.m m0 (1,1) Initial mass of spacecraft (kg) thrust (1,1) Thrust magnitude (kN) Isp (1,1) Specific impulse (sec) ------- Outputs ------- dVTot (1,1) Total delta-v for changing all elements (km/s) dVElem (5,1) Delta-v for changing each element (km/s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: AsteroidProspector/LowThrustTimeToTransfer
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