Path: Interplanetary/RHSFunctions
% Right hand side for a heliocentric system with a thruster. Uses the ephemerides from Planets and SolarSysState to compute the planet locations in the heliocentric frame. Since version 2014.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forms: [xDot, g] = RHSHelioWithPlanets( x, t, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (7,1) State in the heliocentric frame [r;v;m] t (1,1) Time since jD0, sec d (1,1) Data structure .mDry (1,1) Dry mass (kg) .thrust (3,1) Heliocentric thrust vector (N) .uE (1,1) Exhaust velocity (m/s) .p (1,1) Planet data structure .jD0 (1,1) Julian date at the start of the simulation .muPlanet ------- Outputs ------- xH (7,1) State in the heliocentric frame g (1,1) Output data structure .accelSun (3,1) Acceleration due to the sun .accelThrust (3,1) Acceleration due to the engine .accelPlanet (3,:) Acceleration due to planets -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also APlanet --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: Ephemeris/SolarSysState Orbit: OrbitMechanics/APlanet Math: Linear/Mag
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