Path: Interplanetary/ThreeBody
% Simulate the Earth orbit to L2 point low thrust transfer. Consists of the sequence: spiral out / coast / reverse thrust / halo orbit Type L2OrbitSim for a demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [t,y,dv] = L2OrbitSim( x, d, times ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (4,1) Decision variables [phase, T1, T2, dT] - phase Initial phase angle of Earth orbit in xy plane - T1 Time to stop spiral thrust arc - T2 Time to start insertion thrust arc - dT Duration of reverse thrust arc d (.) Data structure describing spacecraft model and CRTBP system times (1,:) Vector of times over which to evaluate dynamic system. Optional. Default is to use d.times. ------- Outputs ------- t (N,1) Time vector y (N,7) State vector: [x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, mass] dv (1,1) Total delta-v over trajectory -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Online course notes, Prof. J.D. Mireles James, Rutgers University. M. T. Ozimek and K. C. Howell, "Low-Thrust Transfers in the Earth?Moon System, Including Applications to Libration Point Orbits", JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE, CONTROL, AND DYNAMICS Vol. 33, No. 2, March/April 2010, DOI: 10.2514/1.43179 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: ThreeBody/FCRTBPRHS Orbit: OrbitData/SEML2OrbitData Orbit: OrbitData/SunEarthMoonSystemConstants Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/Plot3D Math: Linear/Cross Math: Linear/Unit
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