Path: Interplanetary/LowEnergyManeuver
% Propagate a Sun-Earth 3BP with origin at the Earth system barycenter. These are dimensional equations (mks) that use the JPL planetary ephemerides. PlanetPositionEMBarycenter must be initialized with the sun as the first body. Type Propagate3BP for a demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [yvec, tvec] = Propagate3BP(y,t0,tF,jDate,stmcalc) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ y (6,1) Current state vector [r;v] (km;km/s) t0 (1,1) Initial time (s) tF (1,1) Final time (s) jDate (1,1) Julian date stmcalc (1,1) true if propagating the STM, false otherwise ------- Outputs ------- yvec (6,:) State vector tvec (1,:) Time vector --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: Ephemeris/PlanetPositionEMBarycenter Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Plot3D Math: Linear/Mag
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