Path: Interplanetary/Visualization
% Plot planets and a trajectory in the heliocentric frame. It uses PlanetPosJPL for the planetary ephemerides. Can handle any number of spacecraft [r1;r2;r3...]. The default plot is in the equatorial frame; pass in the ecliptic flag to plot in the ecliptic frame. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: HelioPlot( p, duration, jD0, r, rName ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ p (1,:) Planets 1-9, 10 (moon) duration (1,1) Duration of the study (years) jD0 (1,1) Julian date to start computation or date array r (3*m,:) Spacecraft trajectory [r1;r2;r3...] (km) rName {m} Names objects in r ecl (1,1) If entered plot in ecliptic ------- Outputs ------- None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: Ephemeris/PlanetPosJPL SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler Common: Database/Constant Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/TimeLabl Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Graphics/ZLabelS Common: Time/Date2JD
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