Path: Interplanetary/ThreeBody
% Generate a family of planar Lyapunov orbits Specify a range of orbit amplitudes (Ax), the system (Sun-Earth/Moon or Earth-Moon), and the point (L1 or L2) Type LyapunovFamily for a demo Since version 11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: ds = LyapunovFamily( Ax, system, point ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ Ax (1,:) Normalized obit amplitudes system (:) Name of system 'SEM' or 'EM' point (1,1) Point, L1 (1) or L2 (2) ------- Outputs ------- ds (.) Data structure with stored periodic trajectories -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Online course notes, Prof. J.D. Mireles James, Rutgers University. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: ThreeBody/HALOInit Interplanetary: ThreeBody/HALOState Orbit: Visualization/HALOPlot
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