Path: Interplanetary/OrbitCoord
% Convert ECI to Sun Earth rotating coordinates about the barycenter. The coordinate frame is +x pointing at the Earth along the Sun-Earth line. +z normal to the Sun-Earth (ecliptic) plane and +y completing the set. Computes the plane by looking at the sun vector at jD(k) and then 1 day later. By default, "SunV1" is used to get the sun vector. If a second argument is entered, the JPL ephemerides are used. Type ECIToSunEarthRot for a demo. Since version 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: m = ECIToSunEarthRot( jD, JPL ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ jD (1,:) Julian date (days) JPL (1,1) Optional. Enter this input (any value) to use the JPL ephemerides. Otherwise, SunV1 is used. ------- Outputs ------- m {:} Rotation matrices z (3,:) Rotation axes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interplanetary: Ephemeris/PlanetPosJPL LunarMissions: LunarCoord/BarycenterEarthMoon SC: Ephem/SunV1 Common: Graphics/Plot3D Common: Time/JD2000 Math: Linear/Cross Math: Linear/Unit
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